General present tense general future tense present continuous tense present perfect tense past perfect tense past continuous tense past future tense passive voice structure

General present tense general future tense present continuous tense present perfect tense past perfect tense past continuous tense past future tense passive voice structure

I'm glad to answer for you. I hope my answer will help you! & nbsp; general present tense: & nbsp; subject + verb prototype (+ marker / adverbial) subject + AM / is / are + doing (+ marker / adverbial) general future tense: subject + will + verb prototype (+ marker / adverbial) & nbsp

Make sentences in the passive voice with the present continuous tense, the past continuous tense and the present perfect tense

The test is being processed right now
The books were being carried to another room then
It has been finished by now

Exercises in the present continuous tense, the past tense and the present tense
1、 Write the three simple forms, present participle and past tense of the following verbs
buy________________ fly________________ plant__________________ study___________________
drink_______________ play_______________ go____________________ make___________________
do_________________ dance______________ worry_________________ ask____________________
taste_______________ eat_______________ read__________________ put____________________
let_________________ run_______________ keep__________________ have___________________
find________________ get_______________ take___________________ ring___________________
write_______________ sleep______________ give__________________ stop___________________
Sentence pattern conversion
1. They come to China in 1990__________ they ________ to China in 1990?
2. I was ill for two days last week________ ill for two days last week?
3. The twins go to school on foot every day_________ the twins _______ to school on foot every day?
4. She washed the clothes last Sunday________ the clothes last Sunday.
5. She did some shopping yesterday_______________________________________
6. My mother likes her students_______________________________________

Three elements of English general future tense
General future tense
The general future tense refers to the action or state of existence that will occur at a certain time in the future. It can also refer to the action that will occur frequently or repeatedly in the future
Li Lei will visit her grandmother tomorrow morning
[second element] common structure competition
1. The structure "be going to + verb prototype" is used to indicate the things to be done according to the subjective intention or according to the plan, with the meaning of "plan, will". It is also used to indicate the things that will happen from the signs, mostly referring to personal subjective speculation. For example: look at the clouds. It's going to rain
2. "Shall or will + verb prototype" refers to the short-term or long-term prediction of future things, the expression of personal subjective intention, and the solicitation of opinions or polite invitation. In written language, shall is mostly used in the first person; in spoken language, will can be used in any person. For example: I shall / will show my photos to you next Monday
[Third Element] sentence pattern transformation show
1. The general question of "be going to + verb prototype" structure is to move the corresponding form of be to the beginning of the sentence, that is "are / is / am + subject + going to + verb prototype + other?". Its negative sentence is to add not after the corresponding form of be
(1) They are going to play football this afternoon
(2) Are they going to play football this afternoon
(3) They are not going to play football this afternoon
2. The general interrogative sentence of "shall / will + verb prototype" structure is to move "shall / will + subject + verb prototype + others" to the beginning of the sentence. Its negative sentence is to add not after "shall" or "will"
(1) Our teacher will come back very soon
(2) Will our teacher come back very soon
(3) Our teacher won't come back very soon
The usage of the general future tense
The construction of the predicate verb of the general future tense
I/ we shall work
he/ she/ it/ you/ they will work
"Shall" is used in the first person. In American English, "shall" is used in the first person except in interrogative sentences
Will is often used in the second person in interrogative sentences
Usage of the general future tense (1)
Indicates the action that will take place
Perhaps I shall (will) pay a visit to France this winter.
I may go sightseeing in France this winter
We shan't (won’t) be free tomorrow.
We are not free tomorrow
Will you be at home at seven this evening?
Will you be at home at seven tonight?
The agreement will come into force next spring.
The agreement will come into effect next spring
The adverbials of time commonly used in such cases are:
1. Adverbial of time indicating the future
Tomorrow, next year, from now on, in a month, in the future, etc
2. The adverbial of time including the present
Today, this evening, this week, this month, this year, etc
Usage of the general future tense (2)
"Be going to + infinitive" is often used in spoken English to indicate what is going to happen
What are you going to do tomorrow?
What are you doing tomorrow?
We are going to visit the Summer Palace next week.
We are going to visit the summer palace next week
Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm.
Look at the dark clouds. A storm is coming
Usage of the general future tense (3)
"Be + infinitive" means an arranged or planned action
When are they to hand in their plan?
When will their plans come in?
The queen is to visit Japan next year.
The queen will visit Japan next year
Usage of the general future tense (4)
"Be about + infinitive" means the action that will happen soon
He is about to retire.
He is about to retire
The English evening is about to begin.
The English evening is about to begin
Note: be about to is not usually used with adverbials of time
Usage of the general future tense (5)
Verbs such as "come, go" are used to indicate what will happen according to a rule, plan or schedule
He starts next week.
He will leave next week
We leave very soon.
We will leave soon
The train starts at 10 o'clock in the morning.
The train will leave at ten in the morning
This kind of usage is limited to verbs expressing "move": come, go, leave, start, begin, arrive, depart, stay, etc
Usage of the general future tense (6)
The verb "come, go" is used to express the action the subject plans to do
They are leaving for New York tomorrow.
They are leaving for New York tomorrow
Is your brother departing soon?
Is your brother leaving soon?
This kind of situation is often used with verbs such as come, go, leave, start, begin, arrive, depart, stay, etc
A comparison of the usages of verbs like come and go
The verb "come, go" is used to express what will happen according to the rules, plans or schedules. (more strict, formal; the subject can be a person, or a vehicle, a meeting, a play or a movie.)
The train leaves the station at 11:20.
The train will leave at 11:20
We are leaving for Boston next week.
We are going to Boston next week
What time does the film begin?
What time does the movie start?
Is your sister staying here long?
Will your sister stay here for a long time?
He starts next week.
He will leave next week
She is departing soon.
She will start soon
The selection principle of will and be going to
1. About "plan"
The original plan is "be going to"
“Kate is in hospital.” “Yes, I know. I am going to see her this afternoon.”
"Kate is in hospital." "yes, I know. I'm going to see her this afternoon."
Use "will" immediately when speaking
“Kate is in hospital.” “Oh, really, I didn’t know. I will go and see her at once.”
"Kate is in hospital." "Oh, really? I don't know. I have to see her right away."
2. About "anticipation"
"Be going to"
Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain.
Look at the clouds in the sky. It's going to rain
My God! We are going to crash.
My God! We're going to crash
We can use "will, be going to" to guess when there is no indication
I think the weather will be nice.
I think the weather is going to be nice.
I think it will be fine
Do you think the car will start?
Do you think the car is going to start?
Do you think the car will start?
When the verb indicates inner activity, the sentence indicating guess must use "will"
I think she will like the cake I made for her.
I think she'll like the cake I made for her
Adverbials of time often used with the general future tense
Indicates the action that will take place
Perhaps I shall (will) pay a visit to France this winter.
I may go sightseeing in France this winter
We shan't (won’t) be free tomorrow.
We are not free tomorrow
Will you be at home at seven this evening?
Will you be at home at seven tonight?
The agreement will come into force next spring.
The agreement will come into effect next spring
The adverbials of time commonly used in such cases are:
1. Adverbial of time indicating the future
Tomorrow, next year, from now on, in a month, in the future, etc
2. The adverbial of time including the present
Today, this evening, this week, this month, this year, etc
Please accept as a satisfactory answer

They often learn to translate in the present tense, the present progressive tense and the past tense

They study often.
They are studying.
They studied.

The following is the definition and operation of rational numbers a and B: a # B = A-B + 1. Is a # B equal to B # a? Why? Thank you
I know it's not equal. Mainly, I want to know how to write the reasons. The reasons are written by examples. Thank you

If we want to prove whether a # B and B # a are equal, we can prove whether A-B + 1 and B-A + 1 are equal
We can prove whether A-B and B-A are equal
We can prove whether - (B-A) and (B-A) are equal
When a = B, B-A = 0
When a ≠ B is, B-A ≠ 0

A is negative 3, B is 0, C is 2. There are several ways to move two points in ABC so that the number of three points is the same

There are three methods

When the rabbit is one kilometer behind the tortoise, the speed is ten meters per minute