The present tense, the present continuous tense, the present perfect tense

The present tense, the present continuous tense, the present perfect tense

1、 2. Adverbials of time: always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month )5. General questions: put the be verb at the beginning of the sentence; use the do verb to ask questions; use the do verb to ask questions; put the be verb at the beginning of the sentence; use the do verb to ask questions, If the subject is the third person singular, use does, at the same time, reduce the action verb here.He is always ready to help others.Action 2. Adverbial of time: now, at this time, these days, The negative form: AM / is / are + not + doing. 5. General questions: put the verb be at the beginning of the sentence. 6. Examples: how are you feeling today? He is doing well in his lessons, The action or state that continues to the present for… 3. Basic structure: have / has + done 4. Negative form: have / has + not + D one. 5. General question: have or has. 6. Example: I've written an article.It has been raining these days.

What are the structures of negative sentences, affirmative sentences and interrogative sentences in English general present tense?

When the subject is the third person singular: affirmative subject + the third person singular of verb + other negative subject + doesn't + verb prototype + other general questions doesn't + subject + verb prototype + other affirmative answer yes, subject + doesn't, subject + doesn't

What is, general present tense, general past tense, general question, special question, affirmative sentence, double negative sentence
What's the difference between general questions and special questions

The present continuous tense means what is happening now
General question is a kind of general question. It refers to the sentence that is answered with yes or no. its structure is: Copula be / auxiliary verb / modal verb + subject + other elements. The usual answer is: Yes, + subject + auxiliary verb of question, +Are you from JA is a special interrogative sentence in which the interrogative words such as when.what First, select the appropriate interrogative words for the underlined part (i.e. the part you need to change in the title), then change the sentence into a general question and delete the underlined part, Add the question you just selected before the general question
pan﹖   Yes I am. / No I'm not.
You can easily understand it as:
There are such words as "is" and "that is" in affirmative sentences
Double negative sentence is a sentence in which continuous negation expresses affirmative and strengthens the positive mood
If you think it's OK, please give it to me

As shown in the figure, an ant climbs 2 units to the right along the number axis from point a to point B. point a represents - 2, and the number represented by point B is m. then the value of | M-1 | + (M + 6) 0 is ()
A. 2−2B. 2+2C. 2D. −2

According to the meaning of the title, we can get m = - 2 + 2, | 0 < m < 1, | M-1 | + (M + 6) 0 = 1-m + 1 = 2-m = 2 - (- 2 + 2) = 2

As shown in the figure, an ant crawls from a along the number axis to the right for 3 units to B. point a represents - radical 2. Let B represent m, find the value of M, and find | M-1|

M = radical 2 + 3
|M-1 | = | radical 2 + 3-1 | = radical 2 + 2

Xiaoqiang uses two points a and B to represent two positive numbers 5 and 6 respectively on the number axis. He shifts AB to the left at the same time for the same unit length, and two new points are obtained to represent
The numbers are opposite to each other. How many unit lengths did Xiaoqiang translate? What if the two positive numbers represented by ab are a and B?

According to the meaning of the title
Let translation be a unit
11 / 2 units
If it's a and B, move x units

The point representing a on the number axis is shifted to the left by B units of length
1. If the number axis specifies that the right direction is positive, the number represented by the origin is (), the point corresponding to the negative number is () of the origin, and the point represented by the positive number is ()
2. The opposite number of A-B is ()
3. If two numbers are opposite to each other, then the sum of the two numbers is equal to ()
4. If the opposite number of A-3 is 7 / 2, find the opposite number of A
5. The distance from the number axis to the point represented by - 1 and two-thirds is equal to 4. The number represented by the point is () and must have a process
6. The opposite of 15 is ()
7. - the opposite number of two-thirds is ()

If the number axis specifies that the right direction is the positive direction, then the number represented by the origin is (0), the point corresponding to the negative number is on the left side of the origin, and the point represented by the positive number is on the right side of the origin. 2. The opposite number of A-B is (B-A) 3

It is known that the point a on the number axis represents 6, B represents - 4, and the moving point P starts from a and moves to the left at a speed of 6 unit lengths per second along the number axis at a uniform speed
Given that point a on the number axis represents 6, B represents - 4, the moving point P starts from a and moves along the number axis at the speed of 6 unit lengths per second
Move evenly to the left
The moving point Q starts from a and moves to the left uniformly along the number axis at the speed of 1 unit length per second; the moving point R starts from B
If P, Q and R move at the same time
When p catches up with R, it immediately moves back to Q. when it meets Q, it stops moving. Then P moves from the beginning to the end
What is the unit length of the journey when the movement stops?
Let P take x to catch up with R, and y to meet Q after returning
The equation is x = 15 / 7, y = 75 / 49
Total distance = 6 * (x + y) = 1080 / 49
I want to ask why - X and plus y

When p catches up with R, the time is x and the moving length is 6 * x = 6x. At the same time, the moving time of Q is x and the moving length is 1 * x = X
The distance between the two moving points is 6x-x
The time from returning to meeting q is y. at this time, the length of P movement is 6 * y = 6y, and the length of Q movement is 1 * y = y
The sum of the lengths of the two moving points is 6y + y, which should be equal to 6x-x
That is 6x-x = 6y + y

Moving point Q starts from point a and moves uniformly to the left along the number axis at the speed of 1 unit length per second. Moving point R starts from point B and moves uniformly to the left along the number axis at the speed of 4 / 3 unit length per second. If three moving points P, Q and R start at the same time, when point P overtakes point R, it immediately returns to point Q and stops moving when meeting point Q, then point P starts to move and stops moving, What is the unit length of the journey?

Simple, 48 units in length

As shown in the figure, point a and point B are the points on the number axis. The number represented by point a is 6, ab = 10. Starting from point a, the moving point P moves to the left with 6 unit lengths per second,
Let the movement time be t (T > 0) seconds
1. The number represented by the point B on the number axis is (). The number represented by the point P is () (represented by an algebraic expression containing T)
2. Point m is the midpoint of AP, and point n is the midpoint of BP. When point P is in motion, whether the length of segment Mn changes. If it changes, please explain the reason. If it does not change, draw a graph and calculate the length of Mn

1. If B is on the left side of a, then B means 6-10 = - 4; if B is on the right side of a, then B means 6 + 10 = 16
The number represented by point P is 6-6t
2. When B is on the left side of a, P is between AB, Mn = PM + PN = 1 / 2AP + 1 / 2bp = 1 / 2Ab = 5
When B is on the right side of a, P is on the extension line of Ba, Mn = pn-pm = 1 / 2bp-1 / 2AP = 1 / 2Ab = 5
So no matter B is on the left or right side of a, point P moves on line AB, Mn is half of AB, that is 5