What is the adverbial of time often used with the present tense?

What is the adverbial of time often used with the present tense?

Some times, usually, never, always, often; every day / week / month / year /...; on Sunday (s) / day (s) /...; at seven for; in the morning / after none / event; now; today, etc

The adverbial of time in the present tense

right now

The verb forms of the present, past tense, future tense, present continuous tense, past continuous tense and present perfect tense
These six common tense verb forms, the basis of judging the situation (tense, adverbial, marker) and related knowledge, problem-solving skills

The present tense is used to express regular or habitual actions. It is often used with the adverbial of time to express frequency

On instantaneous verbs and continuous verbs
Please help us to sort out the relationship between instant verb, continuous verb and since for
And the tenses they use
Can "since for" be used in the past tense?

Since + time point
For + period
eg:He has kept the book for two weeks.
He borrowed the book since two weeks ago.
One day two weeks ago is a point compared with 14 days like two weeks for two weeks
1、 Continuous verbs
The action expressed by continuous verbs can not only continue, but also have lasting influence. The common verbs are: be, have, keep, know, learn, lie, live, read, sing, sleep, stand, stay, wait, walk, watch, etc, A period of time is an adverbial or adverbial clause
1.I have learned more than 1,000 Chinese words since I came to China.
Since I came to China, I have learned more than 1000 Chinese characters
We have lived in Linqing since we came here
I have kept the picture for about three years
2、 Terminating verb
Termination verbs are also called instantaneous verbs or non continuous verbs, which indicate that the action can not continue, that is to say, once the action occurs, it will end immediately and produce some results. The common verbs are: accept, arrive, come, begin, borrow, break, buy, catch, close, come, die, end, fall, finish, get, give, go, join, leave, put, reach, receive, shut, start, When using the present perfect tense, we should pay attention to the following three points
(1) A terminating verb can be used directly to indicate the completion of an action
They have reached Shanghai
Has he gone to London?
(2) The action indicated by the terminating verb is too short to last. Therefore, in the present perfect tense, it can't be used with adverbials leading by "since" or "for" to indicate a period of time
The old man has died for a week
He has come here since three days ago
In the above two sentences, die and come are both terminating verbs, which can be used in the present perfect tense, but can not be used with
How to translate the above two sentences into English
1. Change the terminating verb into the continuing verb
①The old man has been dead for a week.
②He has been here since three days ago.
2. Change a period of time in the original sentence to the past tense. The tense changes from the present perfect tense to the past tense
①The old man died a week ago.
②He came here three days ago.
3. Use "it is + time + since..." For example:
①It is/has been a week since the old man died.
②It has been/is three days since he came here.
4. Use "how long + has passed + since..." For example:
①A week has passed since the old men died.
②Three days had passed since he came here.
(3) On the usage of special terminating verbs
1. In the clause guided by "while", the predicate verb can't use the terminating verb, but you can change "while" to "when". In this way, the predicate verb in the clause can use the terminating verb, because "when" can express not only the "point" of time, but also the "period" of time
While he got to America. He found his English was very poor
When he got t0 America. He found his English was very poor
2. When the negative form of the terminating verb is used with until, it means until It's not until... " For example:
Don't get off until the bus stops
3. The terminating verb can not be used with the sentence pattern guided by how long
How long have you borrowed the magazine
When did you borrow the magazine
How long have you kept the magazine

Use five verbs to make a sentence in the present tense, the past tense, the future tense and the present progressive tense

I go to school every day
I went to school
I will go to school
I am going to schook

Please, general future tense, general past tense, present continuous tense, past continuous tense
It's picky,

Do sth
The past tense did sth
Be doing sht
Was / were doing sth
Will do sth
I am writing
I will write
I write yesterday
I write everyday
I was writing yesterday at that time

Fill in the blanks with the simple present or present continuous tense of the given verb
1 She ofen (study) in the class
2 John (read) in the class
3 It (rain) hard now.You should bring your raincoat
4 They always (get) to the school half an hour before class
5 Zhangping,someone (wait) for you outside
6 you (go) home right now?
7 She (work) on a new book
8 Look! Mr.White (sit) there beside his mother
9 My sister often (teach) me English songs
10My friend (come) to see me this afternoon
I'm in a hurry

2.is reading
3.is raining
5.is waiting
8.is sitting

The difference between the present continuous tense and the present tense

Tense and time are two different concepts of English verbs. Time is a form of objective existence, which does not depend on any particular language and is shared by all cultures. Tense is a means of language, which is different according to different languages. It belongs to the grammatical category of verb

The difference between English present continuous tense and ordinary present tense
3Q pull
1 logo
2 singular and plural examples.
3. Examples of general questions, negative sentences and special questions.
4 key phrases

Tenses of English Verbs
Tense and time are two different concepts. Time is a form of objective existence. It does not depend on any particular language and is shared by all cultures. Tense is a means of a language and differs according to different languages, It belongs to the grammatical category of verbs. English verb tenses express the temporal relation of actions and states and the time of speaking in sentences by the change of verb forms. Therefore, we can see that although there is a relation between tenses and time, they can not be confused
The plane leaves tomorrow morning
The tense in this sentence is the present tense, but the time it means is the future (tomorrow morning)
There are sixteen common tenses of English verbs
General present tense present continuous tense general past tense past continuous tense
Future continuous present perfect past perfect
Future perfect present perfect continuous past perfect continuous
The present tense
The form of the simple present tense
When the subject is the third person singular, the suffix - s or – es should be added after the predicate
Situation constitutes example words
In general, add - s reads, writes to the end of the word
Words ending with CH, SH, s, x, O end with - es, teachers, washes, guesses, fixes, goes
Words ending with the consonant + y change y to I and add - es, tries, carries
However, the special forms of the verbs to be and to have are as follows:
To be to have
I know it I am a student I have a pen.
You know it. You are a student You have a pen
He (she) knows it. He (she) is a student. He (she)has a pen.
We (you,they) know it. We (you,they) are students. We (you,they) have pens.
The function of the present tense
1. It means something that happens all the time
Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
Excuse me, do you speak English?
I get up at 8 o’clock every morning.
It often rains in summer in Beijing.
2. Express objective facts or truths:
Birds fly.
The earth goes around the sun.
3. Talk about schedules, itineraries, etc
What time does the film begin?
The football match starts at 8 o’clock.
Tomorrow is Thursday.
4. Talk about native place, nationality, etc
Where do you come from?
I come from China
Where do you come from?
I come from Guangzhou
5. Inquire about or quote books, notices or newly received letterhead contents, such as:
What does that notice say?
What does Ann say in her letter?
She says she’s coming to Beijing next week.
Shakespears says, “Neither a borrower or a lender be.”
Shakespeare said: "neither borrow money from others, nor lend money to others."
present progressive
The present continuous tense is composed of the present tense + the present participle of the auxiliary verb to be
Affirmative negative interrogative
I am working.You are working.He (she) is working.We (you,they) are working. I am not working.You are not working.He (she) is not working.We (you,they) are not working. Am I working?Are you working?Is he (she) working?Are we (you,they) working?
The present participle is formed by adding - ing to the original form of the verb
Examples of changes in circumstances
The verb ends with a single e, removes E and adds ing love_ lovingArgue _ arguing
The verb ends with - EE and adds ing agree directly_ agreeingSee _ seeing
The verb is monosyllabic: it ends with a single vowel and a single consonant, and the consonant is double written, plus ing hit_ hittingRun _ runningStop _ stopping
Verbs are disyllabic or polysyllabic: the last syllable is an stressed syllable, ending with a single vowel and a single consonant, and adding ing be'gin be'ginning ad'mit ad'mitting
Knot with y