What's the grammatical structure of special questions? After reading the grammar book, I said that the grammatical structure of special interrogative sentences is: interrogative + be verb / auxiliary verb / modal verb + subject + other! Or: interrogative (subject) + be verb / auxiliary verb / modal verb ~ but in reality, I found that many interrogative sentences are not according to this rule ~ can we make more examples, In fact, I'm talking about the situation on the second floor, but I want to know something about it!

What's the grammatical structure of special questions? After reading the grammar book, I said that the grammatical structure of special interrogative sentences is: interrogative + be verb / auxiliary verb / modal verb + subject + other! Or: interrogative (subject) + be verb / auxiliary verb / modal verb ~ but in reality, I found that many interrogative sentences are not according to this rule ~ can we make more examples, In fact, I'm talking about the situation on the second floor, but I want to know something about it!

In formal articles and written language, the grammatical structure is more rigorous; but in spoken language, there are often various situations: for example:
What else?
How dare you
Is that what you're talking about?

The characteristics of the sentence structure of special questions

There are two word orders in special questions
1. If the interrogative word is used as the subject or the attribute of the subject, that is to ask questions about the subject or the attribute of the subject, its word order is that of the declarative sentence
Interrogative (+ subject) + predicate + other elements
Who is singing in the room
whose bike is broken﹖
2. If interrogative words are used as other elements, that is to ask questions about other elements, the word order is as follows:
What is the word order of interrogative + general interrogative?
What class are you in
What does she look like﹖

On special questions
(1) Apart from what what how, are there different kinds of special questions?
(2) Sometimes when there are both predicate and non predicate verbs in a sentence, I can't translate
What's the situation? New concept two doesn't talk about special questions

A: questions are divided into general questions, special questions, antonym questions and choice questions according to their functions. General questions are questions that can be answered simply with yes or no. special questions cannot be answered with yes or no. they must be answered according to the questions

Help to change the special question
1 there is a big library next to the suermarket
2 There is a small pay phone in front of zhe bank
3 There is a new hotel on the quiet street
4 There is a busy supermarket between the restaurant and the post office
5 There are many museuma on the street
By the way: how to make two sentences with walk as a verb

1.What's next to the supermarket?2.What's in front of the bank?3.What's on the quiet street?4.What's between the restaurant and the post office 5.What's on the street?I am walking down the street.I wa...

The reform of special questions
I want some eggs for.Iwant ment,potatoes and beans for lunch.
11:00 on April 6, 2014
General questions
Both need to be changed
The first one is missing breakfast in the end
I want some eggs for breakfast.

What do you want
What do you want for lunch?
Is there any word missing after the first sentence for

How to change special questions?
My motherm is at name.
Those are his parents.
They are her friends.
These aer books.
Their parents are very well.

where is ur mother?
who are those?
who are they?
what are these?
how about their parennts?

Change a general question into a special question
I am going to have a long holiday.
Tim went to Australia yesterday.
Question the underlined part:
Kate and Bob were in Beijing “for two weeks.”

Are you going to have a long holiday?
Did tim go to Australia yesterday?
How long did Kate and Bob stay in Beijing

A problem of changing a general declarative sentence into a general interrogative sentence
You love me
Should we add the auxiliary verb do to the general question? Because love is a notional verb, we should add do to the general question. Only the auxiliary verb and be verb can be advanced?
When changing into a special question, is there no need to add an auxiliary verb to a notional verb?

1. You are right about the first two questions, but the third question is that not only auxiliary verbs and be verbs can be advanced, but also modal verbs such as can, could and may
2. You are wrong about the second question, because special questions are composed of special questions and general questions. Since they are general questions, there must be auxiliary verbs like do, did, does and did in front of them

Primary school English grade five
Joha and Zhang Peng are doing an experiment.

Are Joha and Zhang Peng doing an experiment

How to change English sentences into general questions or special questions?

Put the verb before the subject
What, who, which, when, why, who, how and so on are used at the beginning of special questions