Which verbs can be followed by infinitive and ing in Junior English

Which verbs can be followed by infinitive and ing in Junior English

When some verbs are followed by an object, they can be followed by both infinitive and gerund, but there are differences
I like to swim in this river now
Like doing
There are also: dislike to do / doing, hate to do / doing,
Love to do / doing, prefer to do / doing
2. Remember to do "remember to see her parents the next day"
Remember doing "remember doing something" e.g. I remember meeting her yesterday
3. Forget to do "forget to do something" such as they always forget to have lunch when they are busy
I forgot phoning Tom, so I phoned him the second time
He tried to catch the early bus and he got on it at last
Try doing "trying to do something" e.g. I tried getting on well with the new students
5. Mean to do "intend to do something" e.g. Jack mean to help others
"Mean doing" means doing your life
We need to have a rest
"Need to do something" (the subject must be something) e.g. the bike needs mending
We want to have a rest
Want to do sth. (= the bike wants to be done)
8. Begin to do and begin doing are both translated as "start to do something". They can be mixed. But begin doing emphasizes that the action not only starts, but also continues
In the case of the following classes, we only use begin to do instead of begin doing:
When the subject is a thing, such as it began to snow
The train is beginning to leave
When begin is followed by a verb indicating psychological activity (such as think, understand, know), such as she began to understand her parents
Note: the usage of begin is completely applicable to start
9. Go on to do "means to do something different
After reading English, she went on to learn math
Go on doing_ go on with sth .
When I was writing a letter, someone knocked at the door. I opened the door and then went on writing the letter (=...) went on with the letter).
Continue to do "continue to do something" means to do something different
For example, after reading English, she continued to learn math
"Continue doing" means to do the same thing
When I was writing a letter, someone knocked the door. I opened the door and then continued writing the letter
Be used to do "be used to do" e.g. dictionaries are used to look up words
He is used to exercising in the morning

In English, when should the last letter of a verb be double written?
My teacher said that if the penultimate letter is a vowel, it should be written in double. But I saw that eat eating was not added. I thought I understood it wrong. In a word, just answer the above questions. This is just to be specific

Because there is a vowel and a consonant at the end of a word, it is necessary to double write the consonant letter in addition to ing. In general, adding ing directly after the original verb form, eat is like this

When should I double end a verb with ing

The last three letters of a word are: consonant letter + vowel letter + consonant letter 2. The syllable composed of these three letters must be a stressed syllable (that is, the apostrophe in the upper left corner of the phoneme in the phonetic alphabet; for example, the apostrophe in the upper left corner of B is a stressed syllable)

How to judge whether to double the last letter when adding ing and ED

If it's a closed syllable, you need to write it double, and then you have to stress it
such as

Whether to add the original verb form after please or adding the verb ing form

The main thing is to master the usage of please in specific sentence patterns
For example, would you please do sth; another structure uses to do, would you like to do sth

When is the original form of the verb?
For example: we must raise our cultural level while (improve / improving) our health

She listened to her favorite rock music while singing along with the words.She was putting on her jeans while asking me to hand her the sweater.He banged on the door while opeaning it...

In junior high school, what verb is followed by the verb ing

2) The common verbs are: enjoy, mind, suggest, advise, finish, practice, imagine, admit, avoid, delay, etc

Is "begin" followed by "ing"?
For example, begin studying

Yes, this one has double closing subtitles
Prototype present participle past tense past participle

What's after "must"? Is it the verb ing or the original form

Must is a modal verb followed by its original form

Do you want to add ing to the verb after I like

I like doing / to do
eg:I like swimming