When does the verb add ing

When does the verb add ing

There are two cases
The original form of the verb is changed into a participle, which means "Zheng":
He is reading.
&The original form of the verb plus ing is equivalent to a noun word, such as noun, pronoun, etc
      He likes reading.

Like followed by the verb ing or the original verb?

Like can be followed by ing or to do
Like dancing, like to dance

Various examples of the change of verb ing form
More examples, 15 points for good answers

1. Most verbs directly add - ing at the end of the word, such as: go going, work working, study studying, look looking, do doing, eat eating, play playing, read reading, wash washing, plant planting, borrow boring, pick picking, paint in

Make five by + verb ing sentences

he always studys english by watching english movies.i like to describe food by tasting.she was the girl that went to school by walking.my mom loves to get imformation by listening to others.i see the ...

The verb after the verb should be ing
For example, I like playing video games. In it, like is followed by the verb ing. Is it the verb after all the verbs? And explain the reason
Then why is ing added to the verb after like?

Playing is no longer a verb, but a gerund, which can be regarded as a noun. Generally speaking, I like should be followed by a noun, such as I like music. But if it is an action, we will turn it into a thing. For example, "playing a game" is an action, which can be regarded as a verb; but "playing a game" is a thing

Why use the verb ing form after by

By is a preposition
You should add ing after preposition

What words can only be followed by the verb ing?
mind,consider,practice,and so on,can you tell me?thank you!

enjoylovelikesuggestadmitdelaydetestfancymisspreventstopavoiddenydislikefinishmentionpostponerememberconsiderdiscussforgiverecommendundersatndbe busybe fond ofbe used tobe worthcan't bear/ can't help/...

What word is followed by the ing form of the verb

1. Preposition in / at / for / of / by / about / with / without / after / before / including / against / towards + doingbe / get used to doing )Look forward to doing (expecting) prefer doing to doing2. Speaking / LIS

When to use ing in English
Like swimming, sleeping, I can't use it at all,

The verb plus ing form changes the verb into a gerund
For example, swim -- swimming
I like to swim
I like swimming here
Because in English, a sentence generally allows one predicate (verb to act as), but a sentence has more than one verb. Once the preceding verb is used as the predicate, other verbs have to act as non predicate (i.e. to do / doing / done)
For example, Jim calls me to play. Here are two verbs to call and play
Jim ask me to play ball
As for ing, some verbs must be followed by ing
For example:
feel like
They all follow the verb ing
Anything else I haven't made clear, please contact me at any time

In English, when to use adjectives and when to use the verb ing when to answer someone's weather condition

Generally, the verb ing does not conflict with the adjective, but sometimes it conflicts, such as it's raining / snowing. To express the state at that time. With the adjective, rain / snowy is generally used in front of the noun as an adjective, such as it's a rain / snowy day