What about the present continuous tense in English?

What about the present continuous tense in English?

)The train leaves at six tomorrow morning.When does the bus star?It stars in ten minutes...

When should I double write the last letter and add ing
Why do some verbs need to double the last letter and add ing (e.g. run running / swim swimming) when they are changing,

The phonetic symbol of the penultimate word is a vowel

A-N these letters can form those 3.4 letter English words
Please translate a B C D E F G H I G K L M n into Chinese

Ache injury
Cage cage
Fan fan
Hill hen hen hen
Ink ink income
Jet aircraft Jack crane
Lad boy life
Mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana mana Mana
No, nine
All of the above are nouns

Junior high school English words with double ending + ed past tense and + ing present participle

When the ending is a vowel and a consonant, the ending is both stressed and double written
Most of the past expressions of stopped moved are irregular, so the number of double writing plus ED is less, but the number of ing is more, such as swimming running shutting putting

What kind of words need to double write the last letter in the present continuous tense? What kind of words don't need to be written?
Why is the present continuous tense of row not rowing but rowing?

Double writing of consonant at the end of a word: stress the closed syllable, that is, the stress of the word is on the last syllable. The so-called "closed syllable" means that the vowel before the consonant is not pronounced according to the vowel itself
Row is an open syllable word whose vowel sounds / Ou /, so there is no need to double write

Under what circumstances do you need to double write the letter after the word and then add ing? Under what circumstances do you not need to double write and directly add ing

In general, add - ing directly after the verb
work ---- working
sleep ----- sleeping
study ----- studying
The verb ends with a silent - E, going to - E plus - ing
take ----- taking
make ----- making
dance ----- dancing
Stress the verbs with closed syllables. Double the ending letter and add - ing
cut ----- cutting
put ----- putting
begin ------ beginning
A verb ending in - ie, change it to y and add - ing
lie ----- lying
tie ----- tying
die ----- dying

What kind of tense does the present continuous tense mean besides the present continuous tense?

It can also be used to express the future tense in a short period of time. The usage is basically the same, but it is generally used to express the position moving words, such as go, leave, drive, etc
such as
we are arriving hongkong.
i'm going to UK

The meaning, structure and general question of the present continuous tense!

The present continuous tense indicates an action or a state of existence that is going on or occurring at the present or present stage. The present continuous tense indicates that the time when the action occurs is "now", and the current state of the action is "in progress". The so-called "in progress" means that the action is still in progress when it is mentioned

Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much!
we are having an English classes now.
They are playing football.
My sister is teaching me to piay the piano.
He is walking to school now.
My mother is washing clothes.
They aredoing homework.
They are having a party this moring.
I'm going out this evening.
They are playing games.
The childen fiying a kite in the park.

we are having an English classes now.
we aren't having an English classes now.
Are we having an English classes now?
Yes,we are.
No,we aren't.
They are playing football.
They aren't playing football.
Are they playing football?
Yes,they are.
No,they aren't.
My sister is teaching me to piay the piano.
My sister isn't teaching me to piay the piano.
Is my sister teaching me to piay the piano?
Yes,she is.
No,she isn't.
He is walking to school now.
He isn't walking to school now.
Is he walking to school now?
Yes,he is.
No,he isn't.
My mother is washing clothes.
My mother isn't washing clothes.
Is my mother is washing clothes?
Yes,she is.
No,she isn't.
They are doing homework.
They aren't doing homework.
Are they doing homework?
Yes,they are.
No,they aren't.
They are having a party this moring.
They aren't having a party this moring.
Are they having a party this moring?
Yes,they are.
No,they aren't.
I'm going out this evening.
I'm not going out this evening.
Am I going out this evening?
Yes,I am.
No,I'm not.
They are playing games.
They aren't playing games.
Are they playing games?
Yes,they are.
No,they aren't.
The childen are iying a kite in the park.
The childen aren't fiying a kite in the park.
Are the childen fiying a kite in the park?
Yes,they are.
No,they aren't.

Translate three sentences into negative sentences and interrogative sentences, and change imperative sentences into present continuous tense
These three sentences are changed into negative sentences and interrogative sentences
1.The dog's in the garden,too.
2.It's running across the grass.
3.It's running after a cat.
Change these five imperative sentences into the present continuous tense
Example: sweep the floor! To: she is sweeping it
1. Open the window! To: he ()
2. Sharpen this pencil! To: she ()
3. Due the cupboard
4. Eepty the basket
5. Look at picture
High score ha! Changed to 500 points

1. Negative sentence: the dog is in the garden, either. Interrogative sentence: is the dog in the garden, either? 2. Negative sentence: it is running across the grass. Interrogative sentence: is it running across the grass? 3. Negative sentence: it is running after