The past tense change of regular verbs

The past tense change of regular verbs

① Add - ed directly after the verb
② Add - D directly after the verb ending in - E
③ For stressed closed syllable words with only one consonant at the end, double write the last letter and add - ed
④ For verbs ending with a consonant letter and y, change y into I and then add - ed

Please give me some examples of the past tense rule change
At the end of the direct addition of ED is the double written consonant of E and D, and the sum of ED and y to I

1 'add ed want wanted; open opened; need needed; call called; look looked; ask asked directly
At the end of 2 'is e + D's move moved; take taken; close closed; live; like like like
Stop stopped; plan planned; regretted; admit admitted; permit permitted
Lay laid; Miss mislaid; pay paid; repair repair; relay relay of 4 'changing y to I
study-studied; carry-carried; hurry-hurried; marry-married; worry-worried

The pronunciation rules of the past tense of verbs

After voiced consonants and vowels
called borrowed
moved[mu:vd] enjoyed
After the clear consonant [t]
After the [t] [ID]
wanted['wCntid] started[' sta:tid ]
[d] After [ID]
needed['ni:did] counted['kauntid]0
Supplementary notes:
The past tense of regular verbs is composed of "verb original + - ed"
1. Add - ed directly at the end of the word, such as: want wanted, work worked, need needed, clean cleaned
2. For example: like like like, live live, use used, move moved
3. For stressed closed syllable verbs ending with a vowel and a consonant, double write the ending consonant and then add - ed. for example, stop stopped, trip tripped
4. For verbs ending with a consonant letter and y, first change y into I, and then add - ed. for example: study studied, carry carried, hurry hurried, Mary married