What are the pronunciation rules of English past tense?

What are the pronunciation rules of English past tense?

past tense:e.g.walk...walked
add an ed sound at the end of a verb to indicate that it is a past tense.

The rules of English past tense pronunciation
In English, especially in primary school English, the past tense of verbs accounts for a large proportion. What are the pronunciation rules of the past tense of regular verbs!

Sir, do you mean the verb ending with ED?
Let me talk about it then
For example:
If / P / at the end of stop is a light consonant, then its past tense stopped's ed pronounces / T /
The / N / at the end of clean is a voiced consonant, and its past tense, cleaned ed, pronounces / D /
Like / T /, / D / at the end of shout, send / ID /

Pronunciation rules of English past tense words

This is caused by the last syllable of the word: 1. If the word ends with a clear consonant, such as / K /, / P /, it is pronounced as / T /, for example, looked as / T /. 2. If the word ends with a voiced consonant, such as / n /, / B /, it is pronounced as / D /, for example, abandoned as / D /. 3. If the word ends with a letter T or D, it is pronounced as /