What nouns can be used as verbs in Chinese?

What nouns can be used as verbs in Chinese?

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What are nouns, verbs, adjectives and pronouns in Chinese

Noun: a word indicating the name of a person or thing is called a noun
Verb: it means action, development and change, psychological activity, etc
Words with meaning are called verbs
Adjective: a word indicating the shape, nature or state of a thing
Let's have a word
Pronoun: the word that has the function of indication and substitution is called pronoun
It can be divided into personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns and interrogative pronouns
\Personal pronoun: a pronoun used to replace the name of a person or thing
Pronouns used to refer to people or things are called demonstrative pronouns
(3) The pronouns used to ask questions are called interrogative pronouns

There are 10 verbs, 10 adjectives, 10 Nouns and 10 adverbs in Chinese

Verbs: walk, jump, take, eat, beat, write, tell, report, know, hold
Adjectives: beautiful, lovely, white, long, blue, fat, thin, tall, majestic, big
Noun: table, blackboard, bag, pen, glasses, League emblem, hair, finger, roll paper, hat
Adverbs: always, extremely, special, very, very, only, just, usually, all, all

Does verb + noun + adjective have such a structure in Chinese?

Yes, but auxiliary words need to be added
Verb + noun is a verb object phrase. If an adjective is added, the adjective will act as a complement
For example: "hit the face all swollen" hit; verb, face; noun, swollen; adjective

What are Chinese adjectives?

The usage of adjectives in Chinese: adjectives express the shape, nature and state of things, such as "big, tall, serious, vivid, beautiful, smart, lovely, cold, primary". 1. The main grammatical features of adjectives: (1) they can be modified by "bu" and "hen", such as "not big, big, not vivid

Verb, noun, adjective, numeral, quantifier... Chinese···
Nouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals, quantifiers, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary words and interjections are all about Chinese, such as preposition: Cong and da···
Do me a favor. OK, give me extra points. I'll keep my word. Five for each···

Verb: hit jump walk prone
Noun: huashubi bed house
Adjective: Meiping is dirty
Numeral: one two three four five
Quantifier: piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece
Pronoun: I you he she it
Adverb: very fast or slow
Preposition: from self to being
Conjunctions: and but and if
I've got it
Exclamation: ha, ah, hum

Does wind sound the same as a noun and a verb?

If it means wind, there is only one pronunciation [wind]
If the verb meanders, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander, meander
a winding road (river)
A winding road (River)

Is the pronunciation of object the same as that of noun?
A verb has a sound. [əbˈdʒekt]
The noun is read as [&# - 601; B & # - 712; D & # - 658; ekt]
[&; &; BD &; ikt] will do.
I checked it on Oxford just now.
thank you.

It's different!
Verb tense [&# 601; B & # 712; D & # 658; ekt]
Noun tense [&; &; BD &; ikt]

Drive, eat, fall, give, rise, take, ride, write, go, lie, lie, wear


Do get go take stay look give watch study teach

Does did doinggets got gettinggoes went goingtakes too K takingstays stayed stayinglooks looked looking looking gifts gave givingwatches watched watching studies studied studying teachers taught teaching