Is it singular or plural, is it is or are Junior student refers to all junior high school students

Is it singular or plural, is it is or are Junior student refers to all junior high school students

A junior student singular (is)
Junior students plural (are)

Is one or two plus plural predicate singular or plural?

Plural, principle of proximity

Is the noun after each plural or prototype

Follow the singular

Who can tell me what form of the verb is followed by? For example: can is followed by the original form of the verb. Like is followed by the ing form of the verb

2. Auxiliary verb: do / does 3. Verb form: the original form of a verb or the third person singular form of a verb

When do verbs add ing in English sentences
I can understand

I am doing my home. 3 verb juxtaposition. For example: she stock here, reading a book. 4 verb is preceded by some prepositions. For example: she is looking forward to seeing him

In English, when should I add the verb ing? When should I add s? When should I use the original verb and when should I use to + the original verb / ing

In general, the present participle of a verb can be used as follows: 1. When the tense of the sentence is in progress; 2. When the gerund is the subject; 3. When the tense of the sentence is in the past continuous; 3. When the subject is in the simple three form, s is added after the verb; the original form of the verb is generally used in the sentence of the general present tense

Which words or phrases in junior high school 1. + verb ing 2. + verb prototype 3. + to + verb 4.1 or 2 are OK
The more the better
Not in junior high school

1、 The following verbs are used to take only gerund as object: admit admit advise suggest allow allow appreciate avoid consider delay delay deny deny discuss disslike don't like enjoy like escape

What is the verb ing after the phrase in English
For example: now is followed by the verb ing
As long as the sixth grade is OK

Am / is / are + doing
like doing
Mind + doing
Practice + doing
Enjoy + doing
Finish + doing
Miss + doing miss

Which words in English are followed by the original forms of verbs
What verb after the original form, junior high school is enough

In fact, there is a formula to help you remember I drop caps - insist (insist) desire (desire) / demand (command) request (request) Order (preferred) command (command) advise (suggestion) all of the above are + (should) [can be saved] +

What word is followed by the original verb?
More common``

Like to do
want to do
should do
must do
may do