She has (many more) books than he has Books is a countable noun. What's wrong with using many to modify the comparative degree The teacher didn't understand and hoped to answer~

She has (many more) books than he has Books is a countable noun. What's wrong with using many to modify the comparative degree The teacher didn't understand and hoped to answer~

Remember the following rules to help you learn English:
1 many more + countable noun
2 much more + uncountable noun
The original level of 3 much more + polysyllabic adjectives
The original level of adverbs ending with 4 much more + ly

She has many books ,but I have ( ) books than my sister A、more B、many C、much D、good

Countable, plural, comparative

She is ______ more athletic than me.A quite B much

B much more can be followed by an uncountable noun, such as much more milk; much more can modify adjectives and adverbs to express "more", such as much more expensive, like far more, even more, still more, etc

The past tense of Special English Verbs

1. AAA type (mostly ending with D or T)
Read read read
Cast cast cast cast
Set set setup
Let let let let
Hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit
Cost cost value
Cut cut cut
Shut shut shut down
Put put put put
Hurt hurt hurt
2. ABB type (mostly ending with D or T, a few ending with N, G, K)
Pay pay pay
Lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lay lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie
Say say say say
Stand stock station
Understand understand understand understand
Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie
Tell tell tell tell
Sell sell sell sell
Hold hold hold
Find find find find
Have had have
Hear hear hear hear
Flee fled fled
Lead LED lead
Feed feed feed
Bled - bled - bled
Make make make
Catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch catch
Teach taught taught
Bring Brown bring
Buy buy buy
Fight, fight, fight
Seek seek seek seek
Think think think think
Keep keep keep keep
Sleep sleep sleep
Oversleep overslept overslept
Weep wept wept
Sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep
Kneel knelt knelt
Feel feel feel
Deal deal deal deal deal deal
Mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean
Learn learn learn / learn learned
Spoil - spoil - spoil
Spill - spill - spill
Spell - Spell - Spell / spelled - spelled
Smill smile / smilled smile smell
Spit spat spit
Light lit lit / light lit
Met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met met
Leave - left - left
Spend spend spend spend
Send send send
Lent lent lent
Build build build
Sit sat sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit
Babysit babysat babysat babysat
Shot shot
Win won
Shine shine / shine shine shine
Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang
Dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig
Strike strike
ABC type (in the past, most participles ended with N, and a few ended with m, NE, ng, NK)
Draw draw draw
Blow bleed blow
Throw - throw - Throw
Grow - grow - grow
Know - know - know
Fly fly flow
Show - shown - Show
Get got got got
Forget - forget - forget / forget
Write - write - written
To ride (a horse or a cart)
Eat ate eat
Hide hid hidden
Drive drive drive
Rise rose
Give gave given
Shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake
Take take take
Mistake mistook mistaken
Wake woke woken / woke wake up
Break break break
Speak spoke spoke
Freeze freeze
Steal stole stolen
Choose choose choose
Fall fall fall
Begin began begun
Swim swim
Ring - rang - rung alarm
Sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing sing
Sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink sink
Drink drank drunk drunken
See see see
Be was / were be
Tear store torn tear
Wear wore worn
Do did
Go went gone
Lie lay lain
4. AAB type (actually can be classified as AAA type)
Beat beat beat beat
5. ABA type
Come come come come
Become become become become become
Run ran run
6. Type AB (modal verbs only have past tense, no past participle)
May - might
Can - could
Shall - should be
Will - would

What is the past tense of English verbs

What happens at a certain time in the past is the past tense. In the past tense, verbs use the past tense of verbs

"Verb prototype past participle past tense" of the following words
1、work ask knock wash pick finish answer call open turn rain clean play obey enjoy stay visit post wait fold
2、study cry carry try marry copy worry
3、live like move hope use bake skate share breathe arrive taste
4、stop skip shop drop beg plan chat prefer star travel quarrel
5、am/is am not/is't are aren't have/has do/does don't/doesn't go cut shut put hit set read meet sleep spend hear find get say pay bring buy fight think teach hold
sit make stand tell drink drive ride eat give come take see write run sing wake speak break know fly draw swim begin leave keep learn forget lose

They are all arranged according to the original form past tense past participle
1. Work - worked - worked; all the following words follow the rule of "verb prototype - prototype + ed - prototype + ed";
2. Study - studied - studied; all the following words follow the rule of "verb original form - original form to y changed - original form to y changed";
3. Live live; all the words after live are the same as 1;
4. Stop stopped; after that, all the words follow the change rule of "verb prototype double P / g / N / T / R / L + ed double P / g / N / T / R / L + ed";
5. Irregular changes: AM / is / are (be) - was (corresponding to am and is) / were (corresponding to are) - be (the same); has / have - had - had; do / does - did - done; go - went - gone; cut cut cut; cut cut cut; put put put; hit hit hit hit; set set - set; read read (pronunciation changed); meet - met - met; sleep sleep sleep; spend - spend; read - read; read - read; read - read; read - read; read - read; read - read; read - read; read - read; read - read; read - read; read - read; read - sleep; spend - spend - spend; read - read - read - read; read - read - read - read - read; read - read - read - read; read - read - read - read; read - read; read - read - sleep - sleep; sleep - sleep; spend - spend - spend - spend; hear- heard- heard; find- found- found; get- got- got/gotten; say- said- said; make- made- made; stand- stood- stood; tell- told- told; drink- drank- drunk; drive- drove- driven; ride- rode-riden; eat- ate- eaten; give- gave- given; come- came- come; take- took- taken; see- saw- seen; write- wrote- written; run- ran- run; sing- sang- sung; wake- woke- woken; speak- spoke- spoken; break- broke- broken; know- knew- known; fly- flew- flown; draw- drew- drawn; swim- swam- swum; begin- began- begun; leave- left- left; keep- kept- kept; learn- learned/learnt- learned/learnt; forget- forgot- forgotten; lose- lost- lost.

Do you want to add the original verb form or gerund after the phrase "be given to"?
More support would be given to outsourcing research and development in the software and integrated circuit sectors, and promoting the industrialization and application of self developed technologies
The key is that it doesn't seem to be given to, it's just a passive voice, so shouldn't we use it to measure usage?

Be given to is a passive voice in this sentence. To is a preposition, so it is followed by a gerund. The specific usage of this phrase is as follows: be given to: indulge in; be given to sth: be given over to: indulge in

Get used to and be used to which add doing which add the original verb!

There should be three structures
used to do
get used to doing
be used to doing

Under what circumstances should "to" be followed by the original verb and "to" be followed by a gerund?
I know that when to is a preposition, I need to take doing, but how can I know whether to is a preposition or an infinitive? Give me some tips, such as want to do and admit to doing. How can I judge whether the former is an infinitive and the latter is a preposition? What's the rule?

There are fixed words. You can check the grammar book and list them clearly

Is it's not right followed by the original verb, gerund or to + verb

It is + Adjective + to do