Kind of and kind of both have the meaning of category. Is there any difference in their usage

Kind of and kind of both have the meaning of category. Is there any difference in their usage

Kind of means a variety of apples. For example, kind of apples means all kinds of apples
Kind of means something, followed by adjectives, such as kind of nervous
In addition, a kind of stands for one, such as a kind of apple

The difference and usage of kind and kind of

A kind of
Of all kinds of
Choose me
I'm a normal person

"Kind of" if it means "a kind of", is the countable noun singular or negative?

When "a kind of" is used to express "a kind", countable nouns, singular or uncountable nouns are usually added after it
For example: a kind of fruit a kind of feeling a kind of bird a kind of thing
a kind of superman a kind of water sport a kind of milk
But sometimes there are plurals, such as a kind of herb

I will have many presentations which is right?
1. I won't have many presents. Or 2. I shan't have many presents?
Oh, it's not the same

Grammatically, it's all right
It depends on the context

Please use the verb ing!

The construction of the present continuous tense
The present continuous tense consists of "be + v-ing". Be should be an auxiliary verb, which is easy to be missed by beginners. It should be consistent with the person and number of the subject
The application of the present continuous tense
In practice, the present continuous tense is often used in the following situations:
(1) When there is now in the sentence, it often means that the action is in progress
They are playing basketball now
(2) A sentence that begins with look and listen tells us that the action is going on
Listen! She is singing an English song
(3) This week, these days and other time adverbials are often used in the present continuous tense
We are making model planes these days
(4) To describe the action of a person in a picture, in order to make it more vivid
Look at the picture.The Children are flying kites in the park
The change of the present continuous tense
Affirmative sentence: subject + be (am, is, are) + present participle + others
Negative sentence: subject + be (am, is, are) + not + present participle + others
General question: be (am, is, are) + subject + present participle + others?
Special questions: question + be (am, is, are) + subject + present participle + others?
The answer to the special question in the present continuous tense should be based on the actual situation

Is the verb "there be" followed by "ing"?
The was a big event happened in the gap year?

No, there can't be two predicates in a sentence. We need to change "happy" to "happy";
There was a big event that happened in the gap year

What are the verbs and sentence patterns followed by the ing form (gerund)

For example: 1 we all looked forward to seeing s h E
Suggest, consider, enjoy, finish, mind, keep, practice, admit, deny, feel like, can't help, give up, avoid, escape and so on are followed by gerund as object

Some special forms of verb ing

Very simple, remember: 1. General direct add, not more 2. E at the end of, remove e, add ing:have-- having; The conditions here must be satisfied: consonant letter + vowel letter + ending consonant letter

The construction of the present continuous tense: be + ing, then there are two verbs?

The verb + ing becomes a gerund, which is actually used as a noun

What is the formation of verb + ing
What is the structure of the verb + ing in the present progressive

Be (is, am, are) + Verb + ing is the present continuous tense