Homonyms of "wear"

Homonyms of "wear"


Homonym of "wear"


What is the homonym of know


What is the homonym of "wear"


What is the difference between the past tense and the past participle?
I am now in junior high school. I see past tense and past participle in irregular words! But I can't distinguish them in practice! What's the difference between past tense and past participle in usage?

The past tense constitutes the general past tense
The past participle and have form the past perfect tense, and the be verb form the passive voice

What's the difference between the past tense and the past participle of English words?
Specifically, I can understand the past tense, but I don't understand the past participle. What is the past participle? How to use it?

The difference between the present perfect tense and the general past tense is that although both tenses are related to the past, the present perfect tense emphasizes the relationship between the action and the present, such as the result and influence on the present, while the general past tense indicates the fact of the past, not the relationship with the present

English past tense usage
Many of them are verb be plus a verb. When can we only write the past tense with the verb be and not use the following verbs? When can we not write the past tense with the verb be? When can we both write the past tense? Please help me!

Be verb plus a verb? It's out of order. If there is be verb in a sentence, you don't need a notional verb
The past tense of be is was were
such as
He was a teacher two years ago

The difference between the past tense and the past continuous tense
Junior two students learned the general past tense last semester and the past continuous tense last week. When they write a composition tonight, they find that they have mixed the two times. Most students use the continuous tense when they should use the general past tense. As a teacher, how can I help students understand their differences
Students' sick sentences:
1.I was not sleeping until 14:00 .
2.At 14:00,i was buying a very interesting book.It cost me ten yuan.
3.I was getting up at 6:30 and i was going to school at 7:00.The first class was English.I was feeling very interesting and i was listening to the teacher carefully.

What did you do in the past
It's done. It's done

The past tense is different from the past continuous tense
The difference between the past tense and the past continuous tense
Ask for a detailed explanation. Use the same thing to make a short example

Similarities: they all happened in the past, which is easier to understand;
Difference: it is not in progress
For example: when I was working, he ran me
The former emphasizes "continuous work in the past, even when he called", while the latter only indicates that it happened in the past, he called me when I was working

When to use the past continuous tense? When to use the present continuous tense? When to use the past tense? How to distinguish them?

The past tense is used to express things that have happened in the past. The present tense is used to express things that are being done. The past tense is used to express things that have been going on for a period of time