Write out the rules of the past tense, the third person singular form and the adding form

Write out the rules of the past tense, the third person singular form and the adding form

During this period of time, when explaining the third person singular form, I often mentioned to the students that the change law of the third person singular form is generally similar to that of the plural form, adding - s in basic cases. But once in class, I asked what the third person singular is when the verb ends with - Ch. many students answered that it is adding - es, and I asked them to give an example, Some students give me an example: peaches. I suddenly feel that there is a mistake in teaching. Students confuse the plural form of nouns with the singular form of verbs in the third person
First of all, I helped them understand two different parts of speech. Why plural? Obviously there is more than one. What can be counted one by one? Item class. Item usually refers to noun, so I told the students: plural belongs to noun, while verb third person singular belongs to verb as the name suggests, Including external changes and psychological changes. Understand their respective attributes, and then make a comparison between the two changes
The plural form of nouns and the singular form of the third person of verbs are quite different in nature, but they have differences and similarities in the way of formation
1、 The same points of composition
1. They are usually pronounced as [Z] After - s consonant, voiced consonant and vowel
Plural nouns: bed (beds), tree (trees),
Verb third singular: help (help), play (plays)
2. For the words ending with s, x, CH, SH, add - es at the end of the word, and the original end has e, generally only adding - s is read as [iz]
Plural: box (boxes), orange (oranges)
Verb third person singular: wash (washes), close (closes)
3. Words ending with a consonant letter plus - y, first change y to I, then add - es, read as [iz]
Plural: Factory (factories), baby (babies)
Verb third person singular: fly (flies), study (Studies)
2、 The differences in the way of composition
1. Terms
(1) Some nouns have the same singular and plural forms
For example: sheet (sheet), Chinese (Chinese)
(2) The plural forms of some nouns are special and irregular
For example: man (men), child (children)
(3) Some nouns ending with O add s, others add es
For example: Radio (radios), photo (Photos), tomato (tomatoes)
(4) For those ending with Fe, first change f (E) to V, then add es
For example: knife (knives), leaf (leaves)
2. The third person singular form
(1) A verb ending in o plus es. for example: go (goes), do (does)
(2) Irregular, e.g. have (has)

The English original form, the third person singular, - ing and the past tense of these words are as follows
Have; have rain see buy do (meal) stop running arrive clean walk work play do sing eat fight read climb row (boat) swing wash visit

have has having had
Catch catch catching trouble
rain rains raining rained
see see seeing saw
look looks looking looked
buy buys buying bought
cook cooks cooking cooked
stop stops stopping stopped
run runs running ran
arrive arrives arriving arrived
clean cleans cleaning cleaned
walk walks walking walked
work works working worked
play plays playing played
go goes going went
do does doing did
sing sings singing sang
eat eats eating ate
fight fights fighting fought
read reads reading read
climb climbs climbing climbed
row rows rowing rowed
swing swings swinging swung
wash washes washing washed
visit visits visiting visited
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Past tense, third person singular and ing form of "feel, work"

The third person singular is fall, and the present participle is falling
The past tense of work is worked, the singular of the third person is works, and the present participle is working
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