A cuboid fish Tang is 8m long, 4.5m wide and 2m deep. What is the volume of this fish Tang

A cuboid fish Tang is 8m long, 4.5m wide and 2m deep. What is the volume of this fish Tang

5 x 2 = 72 cubic meters

When a 6 decimeter long cuboid is sawed into three sections, the surface area increases by 3.6 square decimeters, and the volume of the timber is () cubic decimeters
A. 0.9B. 3.6C. 5.4D. 1.8

3.6 △ 4 × 6 = 0.9 × 6 = 5.4 (cubic decimeter), a: the volume of this wood is 5.4 cubic decimeter

If a 2-meter-long cuboid wood is sawn into three equal sections, its surface area will increase by 6 square decimeters. What is the volume of this wood cubic decimeters?
I'll tell you what I know

Sawed into three equal length sections, adding 6 areas of width × height
6 × width × height = 6 (square decimeter)
Width × height = 1 (square decimeter)
The volume of this wood is:
Length × width × height
=2 (m) × 1 (square decimeter)
=20 (decimeter) × 1 (square decimeter)
=20 (cubic decimeter)