Put three small cubes together into a cuboid. The surface area of the cuboid is 56 square centimeters. How many square centimeters is the surface area of the cuboid

Put three small cubes together into a cuboid. The surface area of the cuboid is 56 square centimeters. How many square centimeters is the surface area of the cuboid

56 (3 × 6-4) = 4 square centimeters, then the area of one surface of a cube is 4 square centimeters
4 × 6 = 24 square centimeter
A: the surface area of this cube is 24 square centimeters

A cuboid is made up of three cubes of the same size. It is known that the surface area of this cuboid is 56 square centimeters. Originally, the surface area of each small cube is______ Square centimeter, the volume is______ Cubic centimeter

56 (6 × 3-4), = 56 △ 14, = 4 (square centimeter); because 2 × 2 = 4, the edge length of each small cube is 2 cm, then the surface area of each small cube is 4 × 6 = 24 (square centimeter); the volume is 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 (cubic centimeter); answer: the original surface area of each small cube is 24 square centimeter, the volume is 8 cubic centimeter. So the answer is: 24; 8

If the length of a cuboid is reduced by 2 cm, it will become a cube. The surface area of the cube is 56 square cm less than that of the original cuboid. Find the volume of the original cuboid

The width of the reduced surface (the edge length of the remaining cube) is 56 / 4 / 2 = 7 (CM); the height of the original cuboid is 7 + 2 = 9 (CM); the volume of the original cuboid is 7 × 7 × 9 = 441 (cm3); a: the volume of the original cuboid is 441 cm3