2x-y = 6 (x + 2Y) (4x-2y) = 192 binary linear equations

2x-y = 6 (x + 2Y) (4x-2y) = 192 binary linear equations

x=28/5 y=26/5

If the solutions of binary linear equations x + 4 = y, 2x-y = a about X, y are opposite to each other, then a=

(1) Substitute (2) to get
Substitute (1) to get
∵ solutions are opposite to each other
∴ a+8+a+4=0

Binary linear equations x + 2Y = 10, y = 2x

x=2 y=4

To solve the system of linear equations of three variables: x + y + Z = 0 4x + 2Y + Z = 3 9x + 3Y + Z = 6

(2)-(1) 3x+y=3(4)
(3)-(1) 8x+2y=6(5)
(4)*2 6x+2y=6(6)
(5)-(6) 2x=0

1. When m = (), the value of 2m-1 / 3 is - 1
2. X = (), the values of algebraic formula 5 + X / 5 and 2x-1 are equal
3. When k = (), the solution of equation 1 minus 4 parts x + 2 equals 6 parts K minus 2x is zero

M = - 1 / 3 2m-1 / 3 = - 12m = - 2 / 3M = - 1 / 32. X = 30 / 11 5 + X / 5 = 2x-16 = 9x / 5x = 3 / 103. K = 48 1 - (x + 2) / 4 = (k-2x) / 6 = 0 then 1 - (x + 2) / 4 = 0 (x + 2) / 4 = 1 x + 2 = 4x = 2 bring x = 2 into (k-2x) / 6 then (k-2x) / 6 = 0k-4 = 0k = 4

Combined with your life experience, try to make a reasonable explanation for the following algebraic formula

If a project is completed in M days by Party A alone and in n days by Party A and Party B together, how many days will Party B complete alone!

Combined with your life experience, make specific explanation for the following algebraic formula: (1) 17 / A, (2) 3x + 5Y

(1) There are 17 apples. There are a person in the class. How many can each person share? (2) bananas cost 3 yuan a Jin and Yali 5 yuan a Jin. Now I bought x Jin bananas and Y Jin Yali. How much did it cost

Combined with life experience, try to illustrate the meaning of the algebraic formula [1 + 20%] a with examples

The cost price of a commodity is a yuan, which is 20% higher than the selling price. At this time, the selling price is [1 + 20%] a yuan

What can the algebraic expression a (1 + X%) represent? Let's give a practical example and explain the specific meaning of the value of the algebraic expression when a = 3600 and x = - 10

The algebraic formula a (1 + X%) -- X% more than a -- last year's output was a, this year's output is x% more than last year's
When a = 3600, x = - 10, the specific meaning of the value of the algebraic formula. Last year's output was 3600, this year's output is 10% less than last year's

Combined with the reality of life, the following algebraic expressions are reasonably explained
(1) Half * (X-Y)

X is your goal
Y is where you are
Half * (X-Y) is how far you can go in the end
Five days a week
X is how hard you work
2 is the essence of you when you don't work hard
5 * (x + 2) is the value you can create every week