When the height of a cuboid is increased by 3M, it becomes a cube. The surface area of a cuboid is increased by 48 square meters compared with that of the original cuboid What's the formula

When the height of a cuboid is increased by 3M, it becomes a cube. The surface area of a cuboid is increased by 48 square meters compared with that of the original cuboid What's the formula

What do you mean by volume or what? The volume of a cuboid is 16 square meters, its length and width are 4, and its height is 1

If the edge length of a cube is A-1, then the volume of a cube is A-1____ And the surface area is_______

Volume: A-1 * A-1 * A-1
Surface area: A-1 * 6

If the edge length of a cube is increased a times, its surface area and volume will be increased () times

The surface area is (a ^ 2) times larger and the volume is (a ^ 3) times larger

Saw a stick into several equal sections, a total of four times, each section is a fraction of the stick

After sawing four times, I cut it into five sections, one fifth each

The 2-meter-long stick is sawed into 5 sections on average. Each section is a fraction of the length of the stick. Each section is a fraction of the length of the stick

Not a fifth
Two fifths of the length

A wooden stick, saw it into 16 parts, take 4 / 5 of one section, and ask how many parts of the total length it occupies

1/16 * 4/5=1/20
A: it accounts for 1 / 20 of the total length

Saw a 6-meter-long wooden stick into 4 sections of the same length. What is the length of each section? What is the proportion of each section?

The length of each section is 6 △ 4 = 3 / 2 meter
Each section accounts for 1 / 4 of the total length

When a stick is sawed into four sections, how much time does it take to saw off one section?

One third of a stick needs to be sawed three times to cut into four pieces

What is the value of m if the value of 4-3m-1 = 2-1m + 3 is equal?


3 / 8 of 1m and 1 / 8 of 3M, which is bigger

The same size, all 0.375 M