987 × 655-321 of 666 + 987x654 is calculated

987 × 655-321 of 666 + 987x654 is calculated

666 + 987x654 / 987 × 655-321 = 1

Simple operation and multiplication 321 * 987 * 654 * 321 * 987 * 654

This is the result 42933853178800164
As a result, there seems to be no easy algorithm for this problem (except using a calculator)

In a series of numbers: 1,1,2,2,3,4,5,7,9,12,16,21, starting from the sixth number, each number is related to the previous number. Try to find the rule and find the fourteenth number
It's best to express it in algebraic form.

So A14 = a11 + A12 = 16 + 21 = 37