It takes 20 hours for the master to work alone, 30 hours for the apprentice to work alone, and how many hours for the two to work together? When completing the task, the master made 96 more parts than the apprentice. How many parts are there in total?

It takes 20 hours for the master to work alone, 30 hours for the apprentice to work alone, and how many hours for the two to work together? When completing the task, the master made 96 more parts than the apprentice. How many parts are there in total?

1 / (120 + 130) = 1 / 560 = 1 × 605 = 12 (hours); 96 / 12 / (120 − 130) = 8 / 160 = 8 × 60 = 480 (pieces); answer: it takes 12 hours for two people to cooperate, and there are more than 480 parts in this batch

It takes 10 hours for a master to finish a batch of parts, and 15 hours for an apprentice to finish a batch of parts. The master processes 30 more parts per hour than the apprentice. How many parts are there?

A: there are 900 parts in this batch

It takes 37 hours for the master and the apprentice to process a batch of parts. The apprentice can process 30 parts per hour. Now the master and the apprentice process them at the same time. When they finish the task, the number of parts processed by the apprentice is 59 times that of the master?

A: there are 1998 parts in this batch