To make a batch of parts, it takes 12 hours for Party A to complete it alone. Given that the work efficiency ratio of Party A and Party B is 4:3, how long does it take for Party B to complete it alone? (answer in proportion)

To make a batch of parts, it takes 12 hours for Party A to complete it alone. Given that the work efficiency ratio of Party A and Party B is 4:3, how long does it take for Party B to complete it alone? (answer in proportion)

Let B finish it alone in X hours. & nbsp; 4:3 = x: 12 & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x = 48 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 16 A: B finish it alone in 16 hours

It took 12 hours for Party A and Party B to produce a batch of parts. It is known that the work efficiency ratio of Party A and Party B is 2:3. How many hours does it take for Party B to produce this batch of parts alone? I hope the order of your answers can be as follows: 1. Let's talk about the idea of solving the problem first. 2. There are two different ways to solve the problem (equation and formula, if you can only use the equation formula, you don't have to use it). Thank you for solving the problem for me, Please don't be too abstruse in thinking and calculation!

It takes 12 hours for Party A and Party B to produce a batch of parts. It is known that the work efficiency ratio of Party A and Party B is 2:3. How many hours does it take for Party B to produce this batch of parts alone? This is an engineering problem. There is a ratio in the conditions. It is a comprehensive problem with scores. There are many solutions

To process a batch of parts, if it takes 12 hours to process a and 15 hours to process B alone; if two people cooperate, the work efficiency of a will be improved by 1 / 3 and that of B will be improved by 1 / 4, and now it is planned to complete in 8 hours, and the cooperation time of two people will be the shortest, then how many hours should two people cooperate?

(1) Work efficiency and efficiency of cooperation between Party A and Party B
(2) In order to make the cooperation time shortest, let a do it alone as far as possible. Assuming that a does it all in 8 hours, there will be some problems
(3) Working hours of cooperation between Party A and Party B
The solution of the equation can also be listed