An ancient poem describing the praise of a teacher

An ancient poem describing the praise of a teacher

Jueyuan Shitang Bai Juyi
East Palace white Shu son, South Temple far Zen master
Where we meet from afar, when there is nothing in our heart
Wu Jue Hui asked Liu Shang of Tang Dynasty
Void without place, as if glass
Who comes to the poetic realm, Zen mind goes through poetry
Jade pot with ice heart
Master's soul in red ink
Earnest as father's words
Good talk is like a friend
A few lines of Chinese characters
The whole life
Hope for the latecomer
Success report to master
Author: Li Shangyin
It's hard to see each other, and the east wind is powerless
A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle's tears dry only when it's burned down to ashes.
Xiao Jing but worry cloud temples change, singing at night should feel the cold moonlight
Pengshan has no way to go here. The birds are eager to visit
Praise to the teacher
Four times of spring breeze,
Several autumn rains washed the gap
Black hair and frost weave the sun and the moon,
The spring and Autumn period is written in chalk
The silk is not old in spring,
Candle tears turn to ashes, autumn is thicker
Three thousand orchards of peach and plum in spring,
Autumn is full of fruits
Six songs of tianjingsha
1. Long history
If you want to be a talented person,
The sky, the land and the sea
I have been busy all my life,
Now we are sailing far away,
The road is long and the mountains are high
2. Teacher Kuang huanxue
High morality, erudite and erudite,
I look forward to heroes
good timing, geographical convenience and good human relations,
With a magic pen,
It's amazing
3. Huilan Pavilion
For the country, for the family and for the people,
The wind blows, the sun shines and the rain falls
Blue sea, blue sky, white clouds,
The sun, the moon and the stars,
Accompany life to pursue
4. Guan Zhongtu
To be upright,
Do things honestly
Gathering heroes from all over the world,
make trouble under a certain pretext,
I am in charge of the world
5. Yixian map
With the world in mind,
Look to the future
He is a genius,
Back to Yaotai,
Heaven and earth were shocked
Four times of spring breeze,
Several autumn rains washed the gap
Black hair and frost weave the sun and the moon,
The spring and Autumn period is written in chalk
The silk is not old in spring,
Candle tears turn to ashes, autumn is thicker
Three thousand orchards of peach and plum in spring,
Autumn is full of fruits

I want a poem to praise my teacher

Send you a bunch of flowers to express our respect for you; send you a beautiful song to bring you a trace of sweetness. Teacher, you have worked hard, you take us through the wind and rain, you nourish us with the nutrition of knowledge, but never ask for return and demand. It is you who give us answers to difficult problems, it is you who tell us

A little poem praising the teacher

Four times of spring breeze,
Several autumn rains washed the gap
Black hair and frost weave the sun and the moon,
The spring and Autumn period is written in chalk
The silk is not old in spring,
Candle tears turn to ashes, autumn is thicker
Three thousand orchards of peach and plum in spring,
Autumn is full of fruits

The diameter of a circle is 4 and its height is 1.2. What is its volume?

Cylinder v =? H =? H / 4 d = 2R cone v =? H / 3 =? H / 12

A circular pool is 2.6 meters high and 18 meters in diameter,

It's like this
Cylinder volume = bottom area x height
So it should be base area = pie x (square of radius) (18 / 2) square = 3.14x9 square = 3.14x81 = 254.34
The high is 2.6
So volume = 254.34x2.6 = 661.284
I hope you can understand it. Thank you. If you can take it, I wish you a happy life

If the radius of the bottom of the cylinder is R and the height is h, then the calculation formula of the volume of the cylinder is v = ()


If the bottom radius of a cylinder is R and its height is h, then its volume is______ .

According to the meaning of the question: its volume is π r2h; so the answer is: π r2h

Calculation formula of perimeter, area and volume of various shapes?

The volume formula of a cylinder is: volume = base area × height. If h is used to represent the height of the cylinder, then the cylinder = s base × H
Cuboid volume formula: volume = length × width × height. (bottom area multiplied by height s bottom · h). If a, B and C are used to represent cuboid length, width and height respectively, cuboid volume formula is: vlength = ABC
The volume formula of a cube: volume = edge length × edge length × edge length. (bottom area multiplied by high s bottom · h). If a represents the edge length of a cube, then the volume formula of a cube is v = a · a · a = a ^ 3
The volume of the cone is the area of the bottom surface × the height △ 3. The cone is the bottom of s × one third of HX
The volume formula of platform: v = [s up + √ (s up and s down) + s down] h △ 3. The volume formula of round platform: v = [S + s ′ + √ (SS ′)] h △ 3 = π H (R ^ 2 + R + R ^ 2) / 3
Spherical volume formula = (π / 3) (3r-h) * H ^ 2. Spherical volume formula: v = (4 / 3) π R ^ 3
The standard equation of ellipsoid in XYZ Cartesian coordinate system is: {x ^ 2 / A ^ 2} + {y ^ 2 / b ^ 2} + {Z ^ 2 / C ^ 2} = 1, and its volume is v = (4 / 3) π ABC. (A and B, C represent half of each axis respectively)
Circumference of rectangle = (length + width) × 2 C = (a + b) × 2
2. Perimeter of square = side length × 4 C = 4A
3. Area of rectangle = length × width s = ab
4. Area of square = side length × side length s = A.A = a
5. Area of triangle = bottom × height △ 2 s = ah △ 2
6. Area of parallelogram = base × height s = ah
7. Area of trapezoid = (upper bottom + lower bottom) × height △ 2 s = (a + b) H △ 2
8. Diameter = radius × 2 D = 2R radius = diameter △ 2 r = D △ 2
9. Circumference of circle = circumference × diameter = circumference × radius × 2 C = π d = 2 π R
10. Area of a circle = circumference × radius × radius & # 1029; = π R
11. The surface area of cuboid = (length × width + length × height + width × height) × 2
12. Volume of cuboid = length × width × height v = ABH
13. The surface area of cube is edge length × edge length × 6 s = 6A
14. The volume of cube = edge length × edge length × edge length v = a.a.a = a
15. Side area of cylinder = perimeter of bottom circle × height s = Ch
16. Surface area of cylinder = area of upper and lower bottom surface + side area
S=2πr +2πrh=2π(d÷2) +2π(d÷2)h=2π(C÷2÷π) +Ch

Text formula of volume, area and perimeter of all objects! The more the better~

The perimeter, area and volume of the figure: 1) perimeter (the length around the outside) C △ = the sum of the lengths of three sides C rectangle = (length + width) × 2 C parallelogram = 2 times of the sum of the lengths of two adjacent sides C square = side length × 4 C diamond = side length × 4 C circle = 2 π R (R is radius) = π D (D is diameter) C trapezoid = two bottom lengths + two waist lengths (2) surface

Is the volume of a cone equal to one third of the volume of a cylinder? Why?
Come on, I'm in a hurry!

It's right to be the same height as the bottom