Poems about parting with friends

Poems about parting with friends

Please ask dongshuishui, who do you want to leave with? Jinling wine shop to leave Li Bai
I'd like to persuade you to have a glass of wine and go out of Yangguan in the West. I'd like to send two yuan envoys to Anxi Wang Wei
My old friend left the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and fireworks went down to Yangzhou in March
Don't say goodbye to Qiujiang. Tomorrow is Chang'an. Farewell to Li. Comment on Wang Changling
To leave you is the same as an official. Send Du Shaofu to be king Bo of Shuzhou
You can't be seen in the mountain circuit, but you can't see you in the snow. Bai xuege sends judge Wu to Beijing Censhen
It's a farewell here. I'll send my friend Li Bai away

A famous saying or poem given to the students by the teacher

*There is no eternal erudition, only eternal learning; there is no eternal intelligence, only eternal thinking; there is no eternal wisdom, only eternal scholar
*The reason why celebrities become celebrities is that they keep climbing while their companions are playing or resting; the reason why mortals become mortals is that they fall asleep when others are busy climbing
*Study hard but don't believe in books, own wealth but don't be captured by wealth
*If you want to become famous quickly, you have to sleep slowly; if you want to grow wise quickly, you have to be proud slowly; if you want to grow old slowly, you have to learn quickly; if you want to eliminate slowly, you have to move quickly
*More reading, your spirit will be enriched; more walking, your pace will be vigorous; more thinking, your mind will be wise; more dedication, your realm will be noble
*To have knowledge is not to have wealth, but to have no knowledge is to have wealth
*People's growth needs parents' education, school education, social education, frustration education, but more needs self - education
*If you don't read, you will be stupid; if you don't think, you will be shallow; if you don't practice much, you will be fresh; if you don't use it skillfully, you will be dull
*Diligence is the boat to explore knowledge, thinking is the method to explore knowledge, asking for advice is a wonderful way to learn knowledge, and practice is the way to consolidate knowledge
*The taboo in study is to swallow all the fruit; the taboo in reading is to look at the flowers in a hurry
*Learning should have the spirit of grinding an iron rod into a needle, and the learning method of drawing inferences from one instance; reading should have the courage to climb, and the spirit of being willing to think
*Clever thinking, inspiration, practice and exploration
*Knowledge changes fate, learning changes life, education improves personality, reflection enlightens wisdom
*Learning by accumulation, memory by understanding, experience by reflection, proficiency by practice
*No real knowledge can be acquired by rote learning, no real skills can be acquired by opportunistic learning, no real skills can be acquired by talking on paper, and no good results can be achieved by building cars behind closed doors
*We should read and read more in writing, practice and think more in writing, remember and use more in consolidation, think more and try more in application
*Diligence leads to intelligence, erudition leads to wisdom, more practice leads to skill, and skillful thinking leads to fruitful results
*Knowledge depends on accumulation, intelligence depends on thinking, erudition depends on learning achievement, creation depends on practice success
*Knowledge is like a gold mine, the deeper you dig, the more you get; knowledge is like mountaineering, the higher you climb, the farther you look
*To learn well depends on confidence, to seek advice depends on modesty, to search depends on concentration, and to grow depends on perseverance
*Diligence is the key to open the door of knowledge, thinking is the sharp tool to understand knowledge, reading is the shortcut to master knowledge, practice is the method to consolidate knowledge, discussion is the trick to understand knowledge, and exploration is the way to innovate knowledge
*If you are not stupid in study, you will succeed if you work hard
*Reading is like bees picking flowers and thinking is like bees brewing honey. Only by picking and brewing can we get the sweet honey of knowledge
*The three most valuable things in life are confidence, health and knowledge; the three most valuable qualities in study are studious, inquisitive and thoughtful
*Learning, learning and asking; learning, learning and learning
*The secret of cleverness is diligence, the secret of erudition is extensive reading, the secret of skillful learning is drawing inferences from one instance, and the secret of success is to bring forth new things through the old
*If you don't study, the best ideals will come to nothing; if you don't work hard, the best plans will be wasted; if you don't practice, the most extensive knowledge will be put on the shelf
*We should bring some questions before study, think about them during study, and put forward some questions after study
*If there is a shortcut to learning, it is diligence; if knowledge is power, it is practice
*No matter how many books you collect, if you don't read, you will be a pile of waste paper; no matter how many books you read, if you don't use them, you will be a fruitless bud
*We should not aim high in study, but step by step
*Knowledge is the torch of wisdom, diligence is the key of wisdom, wisdom is the spark of thinking, innovation is the crystallization of wisdom
*Read long knowledge, think long wisdom, open mind long knowledge, application of long technology

Farewell poems for classmates and teachers (written by myself)

Too much

The solution equation: x2 + 3x + 2 = 0

The factorization results in: (x + 1) (x + 2) = 0, which leads to x + 1 = 0 or x + 2 = 0. The solution is X1 = - 1, X2 = - 2

The number of years of Mr. Lin's birth: the sum of 5 is a multiple of 9, the sum of 6 is a multiple of 10, the sum of 7 is a multiple of 11, and the sum of 8 is a multiple of 12
The number of years of Mr. Lin's birth: the sum of 5 is a multiple of 9, the sum of 6 is a multiple of 10, the sum of 7 is a multiple of 11, the sum of 8 is a multiple of 12. Do you know when Mr. Lin was born?
To use the equation, to be complete

Good evening. Let Mr. Lin's year be x, then there are the following Congruence Equations: x + 5 ≡ 0 (mod9) x + 6 ≡ 0 (mod10) x + 7 ≡ 0 (mod11)

Univariate linear equation: Teacher's birth year + 5 is a multiple of 9, + 6 is a multiple of 10, + 7 is a multiple of 11, + 8 is a multiple of 12, ask the teacher's birth year

Suppose the year of birth is X
(x + 5) - 9 is a multiple of 9 (x + 6) - 10 is a multiple of 10 (x + 7) - 11 is a multiple of 11 (x + 8) - 12 is a multiple of 12
X-4 = is the common multiple of 9, 10, 11 and 12;
X-4 is the common multiple of 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 5 * 11 = 1980;
So x-4 = 1980 * y, y = 1
So x = 1984

A teacher's age in 1994 was the sum of all the digits of his year of birth plus 6. How old is the teacher this year

First of all, we can know that the teacher must have been born in the 19th century. In 1994, his age was the sum of all the digits of his year of birth plus 6. In 1988, his age was the sum of all the digits of his year of birth. The first two digits of his year of birth were 1 and 9, which added up to 0. It can be ignored, so 88 - the last two digits = the sum of the last two digits
Let a number be x and another number be y. from the meaning of the question, 88 - (10x + y) = x + y, 88-10x + y = x + y, 11x = 88, x = 8, y = 0. The teacher was born in 1980, 14 years old in 1994 and 32 years old this year

The sum of the number of years of birth plus 5 is a multiple of 9, the sum of 6 is a multiple of 10, the sum of 7 is a multiple of 11, the sum of 8 is a multiple of 12
Using linear equation of one variable

"The sum of 5 is a multiple of 9, the sum of 6 is a multiple of 10, the sum of 7 is a multiple of 11, the sum of 8 is a multiple of 12". From this sentence, we can see that the remainder of this number divided by 9,10,11,12 is 5,6,7,8, so this number plus 4 is a multiple of 9,10,11,12,
Therefore, find the common multiple of 9,10,11,12 and subtract 4
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four

This year is 2008, Xiao Wang said: "my age is exactly the same as the sum of the four figures of the year I was born."?

① Suppose it is 200y, then there are: 2 + y = 8-y, y + y = 8-2, 2Y = 6, y = 3; so it is 2003, 2008: 2008-2003 = 5 (years old), then 2 + 0 + 0 + 3 = 5, which is in line with the theme; ② suppose it is 19xy, then there are: 8 + (10-x-1) 10 + (10-y) = 1 + 9 + X + y108-10x-y = 10 + X + y98-11x = 2yy = (98 -...)

1 + 2-3-4 + 5 + 6-7-8 + 9 + 10-11-12 +... + 2001 which great God meeting should have a specific formula,

The result of each group was 0;