Measure density: measure the density of small stones without measuring cylinder. (provide: balance, beaker, thin line, water). Write the steps and calculation formula

Measure density: measure the density of small stones without measuring cylinder. (provide: balance, beaker, thin line, water). Write the steps and calculation formula

[experimental purpose] to determine the density of stone. [experimental principle] ρ = m / V; - drainage method [experimental materials and equipment]: stone, water, balance, small water cup, large beaker. [experimental method (step)] 1. The mass of stone (m) and the mass of large beaker (M1) can be measured by balance first; 2. Fill the small water cup with water (not

Measuring the density of medals with scales, beakers, water and measuring cylinders (physical problems!)
Use balance, beaker, water and measuring cylinder to measure the density of a medal

How to measure solid density without measuring cylinder and balance
Such as the title
There's only one beaker

Method 1: 1. Weigh the mass of the empty beaker, and record it as m2. Weigh the mass of the solid as m'3. Want to fill the beaker. 4. Put the solid into the beaker, and use the beaker to connect the overflow water, and record it as M ''. 5. Use the formula v = m '' / P to calculate the volume of the overflow water, that is, the volume of the solid

The general formula of 1 / 2, - 4 / 5,9 / 10, - 16 / 17 is


4/5,9/10,16/17,25/26…… General term formula


1 4 5 8 9 12 13 16 17 general term formula

When n = 2k-1 (K ∈ n), a (2k-1) = 4k-3
When n = 2K (K ∈ n), a (2k) = 4K

General formula of 1 / 2,3 / 4,5 / 6,7 / 8


1,4,3,6,5,8,7… The general term formula of

An = n, n is odd
An = n + 2, n is even

-What is the general formula of 1 / 2,1 / 4, - 1 / 8,1 / 16?

[(- 1) ^ n] / (2 ^ n) is (- 1 / 2) ^ n

Find 1 / 2, 1 / 4, - 5 / 8, 13 / 16. General term formula

(-1)^n(2^n-3)/2^n ,n>=2