The sum of 5 consecutive even numbers is 120, and the middle number is X. please make an equation to find the value of X

The sum of 5 consecutive even numbers is 120, and the middle number is X. please make an equation to find the value of X


1. The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 204, and the number in the middle is X. can you make an equation to find the value of X? What are the other two numbers?
2. For a row of eight odd numbers, the sum of the first three numbers is 93, and what is the sum of the last five numbers?
3. The sum of two natural numbers is 51. What is the minimum and maximum product of these two natural numbers?
4. A round pond is surrounded by 35 trees. The distance between each two trees is 4 meters. How many meters is the circumference of the round pond?
5. A square handkerchief with one flower on each of the four vertices, so that there are five flowers on each side. How many flowers are there around this handkerchief?
6. The three pieces of wood are of the same thickness. I plan to saw each piece into three sections. It takes three minutes to cut off one section. How many minutes will it take to finish all the sawing?

If the middle number is x, then the front number is X-2, and the back number is x + 2x + X-2 + X + 2 = 2043x = 204x = 68, so the middle number is 68, and the other two numbers are 66 and 7093 △ 3 = 31. The front three numbers are 29, 31, 33, and the last five numbers are 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, respectively. Therefore, the greater the difference between sum = 39 × 5 = 195, the smaller the product. The minimum = 1 × 50 = 50, the smaller the difference

The sum of three consecutive numbers is 66. If the middle number is x, then the other two even numbers can be expressed as,, and the equation can be listed according to the meaning of the question

Let the middle number be x, then the other two even numbers are X-2 and X + 2

If the sum of three consecutive even numbers is 18, let the largest one be x, then the equation is obtained

Let the largest one be X
Three consecutive even numbers are 4, 6 and 8

If the sum of three consecutive even numbers is 18 and the largest even number is x, the equation can be formulated______ .

Let the largest even number be x, then the other two even numbers are X-2 and x-4 respectively. According to "the sum of three continuous even numbers is 18", the equation is: x + (X-2) + (x-4) = 18

The sum of three continuous even numbers is 18. If the middle number is x, the equation can be formulated______

If the middle number is x, then the first number is X-2 and the third number is x + 2
So there is the equation: X-2 + X + X + 2 = 18
That is, 3x = 18

The sum of three consecutive even numbers is - 18. If the middle even number is x, the equation can be obtained

Equation: X-2 + X + X + 2 = - 18
The first number: X-2 = - 8
The second number: x = - 6
The third number: x + 2 = - 4

If the sum of five consecutive even numbers is 100 and the even number in the middle is x, can you list the equation and find out the value of X?

Let an even number in the middle be x, then the other four from small to large are x-4, X-2, x + 2, x + 4
A: the five even numbers are 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24

The sum of 5 consecutive even numbers is 100, and the number in the middle is X. The equation for finding x is (), x = ()
The sum of five continuous even numbers is 100, and the number in the middle is X. The equation for finding the value of X is (x = ()

Jiulan 000 Youji,
The sum of five continuous even numbers is 100, and the number in the middle is X. The equation for finding x is (x-4 + X-2 + X + X + 2 + X + 4 = 100), x = (20)

Given that the sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 15 more than the sum of two even numbers between them, find the three consecutive odd numbers

Let the odd number in the middle be x, then the three odd numbers are X-2, x, x + 2, and their sum is 3x
Two even numbers are X-1, x + 1, and their sum is 2x
3x = 2x + 15
The solution is x = 15
These three odd numbers are 13, 15 and 17