1 is the greatest common factor of all natural numbers 1 is the greatest common factor of all natural numbers reason

1 is the greatest common factor of all natural numbers 1 is the greatest common factor of all natural numbers reason

[aibang knows]
That's right
Because the smallest natural number is 0, and 0 can not act as the factor of natural number (it is meaningless at this time), because the smallest factor of 0 is 1, but 1 is the largest divisor of 1, and the smallest divisor of any number is 1,
So: 1 is the greatest common factor of all natural numbers

Is it right or wrong that the greatest common factor of two adjacent natural numbers (except 0) is 1?

Yes, to the contrary:
Suppose their greatest common factor is not 1, but n (n > 1)
Then n can divide the difference between them (1), that is, 1 / N is an integer, but n > 1, so it is not satisfied, and the hypothesis is not true

Is it true that two adjacent non common zero factors are the greatest one


The greatest common factor of two adjacent natural numbers is 1, right

I think it's right
Suppose two adjacent natural numbers are n and N + 1
And they have a common factor greater than 1, assuming t (t is a natural number greater than 1)
Then n = Pt, N + 1 = QT
Q-P = 1 / T, because t > 1, so 1 / T

Why is 1 not the common factor of all natural numbers

At least two numbers are coprime, so the greatest common factor of these two numbers is 1, the greatest common factor of all natural numbers is 1, and any natural number has at least one and its own two factors (1 is special), so the least common factor of all natural numbers is 1, so it is 1

Is 1 the common factor of all natural numbers () right or wrong?
I think it's wrong. Because natural numbers include 0, is 1 a factor of 0?

Yes, it should be prime and a common factor

1. The least common multiple of two non-zero natural numbers is the multiple of the greatest common factor of the two numbers (right, wrong)
2. Any non-zero natural number is the least common multiple of it and 1. (right, wrong) 3. A decimal is a factor of a large number, and a decimal is the greatest common multiple of the two numbers. (right, wrong) if a △ B = 4 (neither a nor B is 0), then the least common multiple of a and B is 4. (right, wrong)

1. The least common multiple of two non-zero natural numbers is the multiple of the greatest common factor of the two numbers. 2. Any non-zero natural number is the least common multiple of it and 1
3. A decimal is a factor of a large number, and a decimal is the greatest common multiple of the two numbers
4. If a △ B = 4 (neither a nor B is 0), then the least common multiple of a and B is 4

A natural number (except 0) is proportional to its reciprocal, right? Why? The number of workers in the whole workshop is fixed, and the number of male and female workers is proportional, right? Why?

Except 0, any two natural numbers can be proportional. The number of workers in the whole workshop is fixed, and the number of male workers and female workers is proportional. For example, if there are 28 males and 12 females, 28:12 = 7:3

What's the ratio between the natural number a and its reciprocal

Reciprocal of natural number a × a = 1
The natural number a is inversely proportional to its reciprocal

The reciprocal of natural numbers (except 0) is less than 1______ (judge right or wrong)

Natural numbers (except 0) can be divided into two kinds: 1 and numbers greater than 1. The reciprocal of 1 is 1, and the reciprocal of natural numbers greater than 1 is less than 1, so it is wrong to say that the reciprocal of natural numbers (except 0) is less than 1; so the answer is: wrong