√ (3.14-pai) - | 2-pai | online, etc~

√ (3.14-pai) - | 2-pai | online, etc~


Why is π (PI) sometimes 3.14, sometimes 180 degrees?
When should we substitute 3.14 and 180 degrees?
I'm studying electronic technology. Sometimes when I calculate the angular frequency, what should I substitute? Is pi 3.14 or 180 degrees absolute in electronics?

PI is only 3.1415926
There are two expressions of angle, degree and radian, which are called DRG and rad in calculator
Say an angle is pi, here is to use the radian system, namely 3.14 radians
It's 180 degrees in degrees
In electronics
Angular frequency w = 2 * pi / T = 2 * pi * f pi = 3.14
Similarly, we can use two kinds of unit radians / second w = 2 * 3.14 * F
Degree / second w = 360 * f

|How much is 3.14-pie
Is the absolute value

Because pie > 3.14, so | 3.14-pie = pie - 3.14

/3.14-pai / - / PAI + 3.14/

Because / 3.14-pai / Wei Pai's 0.00 (behind the pie)
/Pai + 3.14/6.28 (behind the pie)
/3.14-pai / - / PAI + 3.14/make an appointment with everything in the back
The answer is

3.14 pie = how much

Pai = 3.141592653

What is the sum of sin minus six and sin two thirds

Sqrt is the root sign

How many degrees is seven out of six

7 out of 6 equals 7 / 6 * 180 ° = 210 °

What is the pie of mathematics?
Pai = 3.1415926. What's behind it? / urgent!

PI is a multiple of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Usually 3.1416 is used as its approximate value. It is used everywhere in mathematics, astronomy and physics. In the past 40 years, no one has used a pen to repeat the calculation of π, but solving π and checking computer performance with π has become a hobby of some mathematicians
In 1961, Robinson, a British mathematician, used an electronic computer to do 35 million operations in 13 hours to get the value of PI at 10880 decimal places. Not long after, other scientists used a higher speed computer to get the number of PI at 100000 decimal places in 8 hours and 1 minute
In 1966, the computer calculated the pI value to 250000 decimal places, and a year later it was calculated to 500000 decimal places
In 1973, French mathematicians used computers to calculate pi to one million decimal places
In 1981, Japanese mathematicians used a large-scale computer to calculate the value of π to 2 million decimal places. Later, Professor Kanda of Tokyo University is using a giant computer to calculate the value of π to 1 billion decimal places
On January 27, 1988, Japanese mathematicians spent 5 hours and 27 minutes using HITACHI advanced computer to calculate the value of π to 20 decimal points
132.6 billion, which is recorded in the Guinness Book of world records
On October 15, 1995, the BBC reported that in order to meet the needs of the development of high technology, a group of Canadian scientists used the most powerful computer in the world to calculate the π value for 56 hours. They calculated the π value to 4294967286 million decimal places, thus setting the latest world record for π value calculation. If these numbers were printed on paper, they would be as long as 804.5 kilometers
Japanese scholars recently published a record of 260.158.43 billion PI, which was created by Professor Yasunari Kanda of Tokyo University and his assistant. They used the parallel supercomputer "Hitachi sr8000" to calculate for 37 hours and 21 minutes, The test took 46 hours and 7 minutes. The last digit calculated was "4". The result of this calculation can not be completed even after generations of mathematicians have exhausted their life energy. Therefore, only from the calculation of PI, the life of scientists has been prolonged by computers by countless times

What is "Pai" in mathematics equal to?
It's 3.1415926 I want to be specific,


How much is 1 + pie

That's it
1 + faction