If the new stipulation "!" is a kind of operation, and there are ① 1! = 1, ② 2! = 2 * 1, ③ 3! = 3 * 2 * 1, find (n + 1)! / (n-1)!

If the new stipulation "!" is a kind of operation, and there are ① 1! = 1, ② 2! = 2 * 1, ③ 3! = 3 * 2 * 1, find (n + 1)! / (n-1)!

Don't understand me

Please put the law of discovery in letters, Mn=________

A problem of finding rules in Mathematics
Please put the law of discovery in letters, Mn = {(M + n) / 2) 2 - {(m-n) / 2) 2_____

Additional questions: arrange the 999 natural numbers from 1 to 999 on a circle in a clockwise direction (as shown in the figure) In this way, every other number will be wiped off, and then it will be wiped down in circles. Q: when the last number is left, which number is left?

Because 29 = 512210 = 1024, 29 < 999 < 210999-512 = 487. That is to say, to have 29 numbers left, you need to erase 487 numbers first. According to the meaning of the question, erase one number from every two numbers. When you erase the 487th number, the last number to erase is 487 × 2 = 974. The next starting number is 975, so the last number left should be 975. Answer: the last number left is 975

I experience, I succeed, writing 500 words

Diligence makes me experience the sweetness of success

Diligence is that I experience the sweetness of success. Standing in front of the gate of success, the lazy are timid before they enter. They belittle themselves: "I really have no hope." standing in front of the gate of success, they often lament the bitterness of life and the untimely time: "why is the fate so unfair, why do I have no chance, why am I so unfortunate?" Mr. Lu Xun said, great success

A 500 word composition about experiencing success
Write from the perspective of grade 6

Like you, I have experienced success. Just like today, if this composition is published, I must be the happiest person. In fact, success is just a feeling
As a gardener, his flowers are blooming under his careful care, which is success. As a mother, she teaches her children how to behave, which is success. As a singer, his songs are accepted by more people, which is success. Success is not only a kind of happiness, but also a kind of encouragement and comfort, isn't it?
Some people think that only the great cause recorded in history can be regarded as success; or having millions of assets can be regarded as success; others think that only those who influence history and are well-known can be regarded as success; and I think that every progress we make, every achievement we make and every difficulty we win is success!
How can life be smooth? As long as you don't stop, don't give up, there will be no failure. A little more mature, a little more rational, a step closer to success
The most important point of success is that our heart is full of sunshine and self-confidence. Self confidence can maximize our own potential, a self-confidence, a success. Believe in yourself, everyone will become a success!
If you lose your way, you will be cautious and hold back. If you make friends with people who know better than you, you can constantly adjust and improve your study and work, So don't give up easily after failure. Keep reviewing and updating your goals, never be satisfied, and greater success is ahead
Life is made up of success and failure. It is because of too many success and failure that our life will be so wonderful and vivid. This failure is for the next success. Work hard! Feel the sunshine today, and the sky will shine tomorrow. I wish you success!
Success - what a bold word!
I remember once when I was working on an advanced math problem at home, I thought for a long time and didn't come up with it. So I wanted to go to my father and ask him to help me. But when I thought about it, it was not good for me to ask my father to help me solve the problem. Besides, it wasn't good for my memory. So I did it silently in my room, After many failures, I finally came out with a cry of joy: "I have succeeded, I have succeeded!" many people at home and abroad call this process a bridge of success. In ancient times, Gou Jian, king of Yue, was defeated by Fu Chai, king of Wu. However, he was not disheartened and suffered a lot. Finally, he defeated the powerful Fu Chai through hard work, Sima Qian, the author of historical records, once offended Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and was sentenced to court punishment. But he finally completed the famous work historical records with great motivation. In modern Nobel's study of explosives, he lost his brother and assistant in an experiment. His father became paralyzed, but he did not give up the experiment because he was afraid of death. After thousands of experiments, he was able to study explosives, The shadow of history tells me that success is not easy. Only through unremitting efforts can we succeed. Only after tens of thousands of failures can we succeed. Only after sweat can we return to success. To feel success, you should know that success is not easy, and naturally it is not difficult. To feel success, you will find that only serious and persistent people will swim to the other side of success, Feeling success, you will know that failure is the mother of success. Naturally, there is always an unknown story behind successful people
Thanks to success, it makes me more mature and more aware of the value of life
A nation, only pay will succeed, feel success, it will make you more perfect!
Inscription: hardship and frustration are the teachers of life. Some people fall down in the face of setbacks, some people shrink back, and some people rush up to overcome difficulties and overcome setbacks. Such people are the strong ones in life; such people will experience the happiness of success!
After reading "hold up the sun in my heart", I have deep feelings in my heart. Especially, the content described in "being my own drummer" is refreshing. Yes, it's better to say "come on" to myself before I run than to let my relatives shout "come on" at the starting line of my life, I'm sure you'll make the most brilliant achievements! "The shining track of life" is one of the articles about "being your own drummer". It tells the story of a disabled laid-off worker who bravely faces the challenges of the times with the indomitable spirit of the Chinese people, and interprets a story with her heart. She has experienced wind and rain in her life, Overcome the difficulty that ordinary people can't be alike, work hard, and stand up from where you fall! Students, do you know who this strong woman is? She is Hong Zhihe, who has experienced many setbacks and finally succeeded
Yes! Her spirit moved me. I know that on the road of learning, we should also have this kind of indomitable spirit to overcome difficulties in order to reach the "peak" of victory. If a person wants to achieve success, he should not be afraid of difficulties, always be self-motivated and always strive for self-improvement. I recall that when I started to learn piano, I couldn't control my fingers well, always played wrong notes and the melody was out of tune, I didn't know what to do, so I wanted to give up and retreat. The teacher patiently taught me and looked at me with encouraging eyes. I once again summoned up my courage, tried to control my hand shape well and tried not to make mistakes. However, it backfired. After dozens of practice, I still didn't master my skills. At that time, I almost cried out and came home, My mother said something that still fresh in my memory: "do anything with perseverance. If you practice only a few times and give up without success, you will never be a great instrument. Child, if you want to be better than others, you have to pay double efforts. I believe you can do it!" I nodded and began to study harder. I sat on the piano stool every day, playing for two or three hours, In a few short years, my piano playing skills have reached the level of CET-6 of the Central Conservatory of music. This gratifying achievement makes me understand the profound meaning of the sentence "Bao Jianfeng comes from sharpening, Mei Huaxiang comes from bitter cold"
I learned a truth from it: people always have to make friends with setbacks and success. When you face the impact of setbacks, do you choose to move forward in the face of difficulties, or do you choose to retreat. Advancing in the face of difficulties will bring you the joy of success! And retreating will only make you immersed in the pain of failure! Therefore, I firmly believe that when facing difficulties, people who dare to struggle, It is the master of fate! In the desperate situation, if you fight again, you may be able to see the willows and flowers; in the cold of ice and snow, if you fight again, you will surely usher in the warm spring breeze! Believe me! Only when you face all kinds of setbacks bravely, as long as you fight tenaciously, the God of success will come to you with a smile!
Students, the process of challenging setbacks is hard, but when you experience the joy of success, it must be sweet!
"What is success?" success is a familiar and strange word, but success is not easy to get, as long as willing to pay sweat, you can succeed. Success also has failure, but do not give up, to face bravely
Kite flying is so high, looking at other people flying high kite, I think of what kite is, kite is the ideal wing, kite is the ideal transmitter, kite is a beautiful God, bring us happiness. Kite, fly!
I like kites, but kites always fall down. My friend taught us to tie the string to the line there first, but you must tie it tightly. If the kite flies away, your ideal will be broken! It takes two people to fly a kite, because one person holds the spool and the other person holds the wind zither. The spool should fly all the time. The kite has already flown very high, so don't fly the spool. One person holds the spool, Another person is about to fly. The person holding the kite wants to fly at the best time. The other person says, "fly." the person is about to run with the spool, but every time he flies the kite, he is not successful. He is a bit disappointed, but we don't give up. He always flies, but he is always unsuccessful. Finally, the kite flies, and we feel very happy, Run a section of road, stop, one hand holding the spool, one hand holding the thread, then the kite will not fall
I feel very proud of flying the kite this time, because my kite is so brave and strong. The kite always falls down and hurts it. I'm really sorry!
Through this kite flying, I learned that failure is the mother of success. Don't lose heart, just pay your own sweat, you can succeed
On a sunny day, my cousin came to my home as a guest. At that time, I happened to see an experiment of "boiling water in a paper pot" in the experiment book. I was going to try it according to the method in the book, but my cousin's expression of disbelief made me more confident to do the experiment well. I thought to myself: when I succeed, my cousin will convince you
I folded the paper pot with a piece of white paper, then made the frame with iron wire, lit the candle, put the paper pot on the frame, and put a half glass of water on it. The experiment began
I don't know what happened to my cousin. He walked around and looked down to see if the paper pot was burning. I felt funny when I saw his appearance. At the same time, my cousin was very happy because of his serious attitude. Suddenly, my cousin cried out, "cousin, the bottom of the paper pot is a little yellow.", I'm as anxious as an ant on a hot pot - I can't find a way out. I flipped through the experiment book and checked it. It turned out that when I was burning the water in the paper pot, the candle would touch the paper pot, so it would turn yellow. Look