Use letters to represent numbers: (1) the difference between a and B is 6; (2) the quotient of B is 3

Use letters to represent numbers: (1) the difference between a and B is 6; (2) the quotient of B is 3


Civil service topics

199. Third order arithmetic sequence
12 19 29 47 78 127 (199)
Subtraction 7 10 18 31 49 72
3 8 13 18 23
5 5 5 5

What is the answer to (2 + 78 / 19 * 1) + (2 + 78 / 19 * 2) + (2 + 78 / 19 * 3) + '+ (2 + 78 / 19 * 12)

78 / 19 = 4 instead of 4. XX, if it's program operation ~ just pay attention to this

What words can be used to describe animals

Commendatory: lovely, docile, obedient, clever, understanding, smart and flexible
Derogatory: ferocious, ferocious, clumsy, stupid, cruel, savage
Neutral: the birth of big and small

A word used to describe a large animal


Words to describe the word "hand"
Words for smart hands

1. Describe ferocity 2. Describe indifference 3. Describe proficiency 4. Make up again 5. Study hard
1. Cruel and cruel
2. Stand idly by
3. Be handy
4. Shake hands and make peace
5. Never let go

Among the words with "hand", the word for indifference is

Stand idly by

A sentence to describe a cold and handsome boy in ancient times, not poetry, not words
When I write a novel, I want to describe some cruel but handsome boys in ancient times. I don't want poems and words. If they are, you don't have to answer them!

About the character appearance, language, action, environment, manner, psychological description 500 words composition urgent

Think for yourself: the detailed description of the psychological activities of the characters can highlight the characteristics of the characters concretely and vividly, and show the image of the characters. So how to describe the psychology of the characters? There are many ways. Here are three ways to introduce to the students: first, the method of inner confession. That is, to use the "how to think" of the characters to show

For the description of action, language, psychology, the environment of the composition of the sentence, good