How to deduce the famous Hellen's formula (Hailong's formula) from Qin Jiushao's formula of "three oblique quadrature"? But don't exceed the knowledge level of grade two

How to deduce the famous Hellen's formula (Hailong's formula) from Qin Jiushao's formula of "three oblique quadrature"? But don't exceed the knowledge level of grade two

What is the meaning of [number]!

When measuring objects, we often get numbers that are not integers. The ancients invented decimals to supplement integers. Decimals are a special form of decimal fractions. All fractions can be expressed as decimals, except infinite non cyclic decimals. Irrational numbers are infinite non cyclic decimals

Mathematics of grade four in primary school: what is the meaning of quantitative relation?

1, the number of each copy × copies = the total number of copies △ the number of each copy = the total number of copies △ copies = the number of each copy 2, 1 multiple × multiple = several times, several times △ 1 multiple = several times, several times △ multiple = 1 multiple 3, speed × time = distance △ speed = time, distance △ time = speed 4, unit price × quantity = total price of total price △ unit price = total price of quantity △ quantity = unit price 5, Work efficiency × work time = total amount of work △ work efficiency = work time, total amount of work △ work time = work efficiency 6, addend + addend = sum - one addend = another addend 7, subtracted subtracted = difference, subtracted difference = subtracted difference + subtracted = subtracted 8, factor × factor = product △ one factor = another factor 9, Divisor / divisor = quotient divisor / quotient = divisor quotient × divisor = divisor

Adjectives describing people's appearance in English
Adjectives describing people's appearance
The more, the better

Choleric is irritable
He who is slow is not in a hurry
Sanguine is optimistic
Good natured
Bad tempered
Optimistic is optimistic
Pessimism is pessimistic
Beautiful smart
Ugly is ugly

Examples of adjectives describing appearance and characters in English

My own forehead: appearance: tallthinheavylong / blond / Brown / straight / curly hair and some beautiful short fat retty personality: going under standing as going smart serious clear enough to be tired

Who knows people's character, appearance adjectives?

Melancholy sanguine optimistic easy going easygoing easygoing easygoing compassionate good natured compassionate good bad temped optimistic pessimist

English adjectives that describe appearance,
The more, the better

English about appearance
I am very near sighted and wearing a pair of contact lens now
I've been wearing glasses since I was a high school student
I dyed my hair red by myself
I got this suntan swimming at the beach the other day
Am I a little too short for my age?
According to my height, what is my standard weight?
I take size seven shoes
I have black hair, brown eyes, and a hook nose
I started to lose a bit of hair since I turned forty
My hair turned gray after I was fifty
I was already more than one meter and seven meter tall when I was aged two

Words for girls

What words should be used to describe a cold and beautiful woman

Leng Yan
Ice beauty
Iceberg beauty

Can you use one word to describe a girl?
A girl from Hunan is going to Yantai for University. When she was a freshman, she went to Yantai with her luggage. He often went to Shenzhen alone (to find friends). She was only 19. I admire her very much and would like to use a word to describe her,

Independent, courageous, generous, outstanding, different