19 degrees 29 minutes + 78 degrees 27 seconds =?

19 degrees 29 minutes + 78 degrees 27 seconds =?

19 degrees 29 minutes + 78 degrees 27 seconds
=(19 degrees + 78 degrees) + 29 minutes + 27 seconds
=97 degrees 29 minutes 27 seconds

(1+19/78×1)+(1+19/78×2)+(1+19/78×3)+…… +(1+19/78×12)=?




A composition for the description of characters' expressions, psychology, language and actions

400 words of true feelings and warmth,

A 600 word composition on the topic of

If you want a composition of more than 500 words, you should focus on warmth or true feelings,

Yushu earthquake has become a disaster of life, but now the rescue operations will be turned into a valuable spiritual wealth, which can comfort the dead and remind future generations

Who has a composition entitled "true feelings" or "warmth",
Write about true feelings or warmth

Write a composition on the topic of true feelings or warmth

One cold winter, the ground covered with white clothes, cold to the heart
My grandfather and I were walking. Suddenly I called out: "look, grandfather! There are so many people over there! Let's go and have a look!" "OK, OK." I took my grandfather's hand and walked over. I was stunned. At this time, I saw a scene: an old woman kneeling on the icy road with a basin in front of her. Her clothes were in tatters. I could see that she was asking for money
I saw that the group of people just didn't give the old lady money, so I said: "grandfather, she's so pitiful! Give her twenty cents!" grandfather couldn't help but take out twenty cents and handed it to me, "go! Give it to her!" I slowly moved to the old lady and put twenty cents in the basin. When she saw it, she knelt and kowtowed, and kept shouting: Thank you... " When those people saw that I took 20 cents, as a child, Yiyi gave her a lot of money. She kept kowtowing and saying thank you. When I saw it, a warm current ran to my heart. I was very moved to see that someone gave me no more than 1 yuan, 2 yuan Although these are small money, the old man kowtows and thanks constantly. I can't help blushing. I think I only gave them 20 cents, and they But I was the first to take the lead, so I felt warm again. I was deeply moved by their character
Looking at the cold day, but people's hearts are as warm as summer. What can be compared with the communication between people trust and help

My father's composition is 300 words

My father
My father is tall and gentle. No matter who he is, he always has a good temper. He has never seen him fight or quarrel with anyone. He loves me very much and always wants to give me the best. Unfortunately, the economic conditions at home are not very good, so he only works hard. In my memory, my father is seldom at home and always comes back to get together with his family during the new year, When he is not at home, and I miss him, I call him. But I miss him very much, but I have nothing to say. After all, the words are "Dad, are you busy recently?" "Dad, are you in good health?" "Dad, you should take care of yourself, don't get sick." sometimes I will say something about school, dad is listening quietly on the phone, I know he can't talk. Even when I was in grade, he couldn't remember. But he was still listening until I had no words. He said, "hang up?" I said yes, but I didn't hang up. I waited for him until I heard the beep of the phone~
Every time after the phone call, my heart is sour. I know my father works very hard, but he never says it. Dad, don't worry, I will work hard and never let you worry!