1 * 3 / 1 + 3 * 5 / 1 + 5 * 7 / 1 + 7 * 9 / 1 +... + 2003 * 2005 / 1?

1 * 3 / 1 + 3 * 5 / 1 + 5 * 7 / 1 + 7 * 9 / 1 +... + 2003 * 2005 / 1?

Application of split term elimination method in summation of sequence

Calculation - 1 + 3 + (- 5) + 7 + (- 9) +... + 2003 + (- 2005) is an important process

Add head and tail
-(1+2005)+(3+2003)-(5+2001)+(7+1999)+…… -(1001+1005)+1003

How to calculate 1-3 5-7 9.2005-2007

Number of items 2N-1 = 2007, n = 1004
Divided into two arithmetic series a = 1 + 5 + 9 +... + 2005 (502 items in total)
B = - 3-7-11 -... - 2007 (502 items in total)
Or this calculation: (1-3) + (5-7) +... + (2005-2007) a total of 502 (- 2)