The speed of light in vacuum is 300000 kilometers per second. How many million kilometers (365 days) is a light year

The speed of light in vacuum is 300000 kilometers per second. How many million kilometers (365 days) is a light year

Sharp LZ. LZ is so shameless
It's a pity that LZ didn't know that there was something called a calculator. There was a function that was more reproducible
Besides, I'm just passing by
But said so much to the LZ of a wave
1 year = 365 days = 365 × 24 hours = 365 × 24 × 60 minutes = 365 × 24 × 60 seconds = 3153600 seconds
So 1 light year = 30 × 3153600 = 946080 million km
I also made a copy
It should be LZ. Hit it