In what way does the light from the sun travel to the surface of the earth

In what way does the light from the sun travel to the surface of the earth

If we don't consider the gravitational bending effect in general relativity, it will propagate in a straight line

A light year is a year's journey

Yes, the light year is a unit of length rather than a unit of time, which is easily confused by many people
Speed of light = 300000 km / S
Light year = 300000 * 365 * 24 * 3600 = 9460800000000 (km)

How many light years is the distance from the sun to the earth

The distance between the earth and the sun is too close, only 150 million kilometers. Light year is a cosmic large-scale distance unit
It is more appropriate to use light seconds. One light second is the distance that light travels in one second
The distance between the earth and the sun is about 500 light seconds!
If you have to say light years, it's about 0.000 0158 light years!