Calculate the number of numbers within 1000 that can be divided by 6 and 8

Calculate the number of numbers within 1000 that can be divided by 6 and 8

The least common multiple of 6 and 8 is 24, so 1000 divided by 24 is equal to 41 plus 16, so there are 41

At 1, 2, 3 Among the 1000 integers 10000, there are several integers that can be divided by 2 but not by 3
At 1, 2, 3 In the 1000 integers of 10000, how many numbers can be divided by 2 but not by 3

Can be divided by 2: 1000 / 2 = 500
Among them, [500 / 6] = 83 can be divided by 6
The numbers that can be divided by two but not by three are: 500-83 = 417

It is known that the number 2 to the 50th power - 4 to the 17th power can be divided by two numbers between 60 and 70

So 64 and 68