It takes 2.56 seconds to send a laser signal from the earth to the moon, which is reflected back to the earth by the moon. What is the distance between the moon and the earth? It's about physics, the propagation of light

It takes 2.56 seconds to send a laser signal from the earth to the moon, which is reflected back to the earth by the moon. What is the distance between the moon and the earth? It's about physics, the propagation of light

The speed of light is 299792 km / s,
It takes 2.56 seconds to lie back and forth,
The distance between the moon and the earth is 299782 * 2.56/2 = 383721 km

In order to realize our lunar exploration plan, it takes 1.72s for the laser to reach the moon and return to the earth______ m.

The average distance between the earth and the moon is 384000 km, which has been proved
But according to the conditions presented by the owner, it is 258000 km

In order to realize China's lunar exploration program, it takes about 2.6 seconds for the laser to reach the moon and return to the earth. What is the distance between the earth and the moon?

The speed of light in vacuum is 3 × 108m / s, ∵ v = St  the distance of light propagation in 2.6s: S = VT = 3 × 108m / s × 2.6s = 7.8 × 108m, the distance between the earth and the moon: s ′ = 12 × 7.8 × 108m = 3.9 × 108m. A: the distance between the earth and the moon is 3.9 × 108m