How many cubic meters of sand, stones and bags of cement are contained in 1 cubic meter of concrete

How many cubic meters of sand, stones and bags of cement are contained in 1 cubic meter of concrete

Your question is not clear enough. It's a guessing question
The sand, stone, cement and water in concrete are all in accordance with a certain proportion, which changes according to the different strength grades of concrete. The concrete grades are C15, C20, C25, C30, C35, c35-c90, etc. the new version of "jgj55-2011 concrete mix design specification" was implemented on December 1, 2011
1. Material consumption per cubic meter: water: 190kg, cement: 404kg, sand: 542kg, stone: 1264kg
2. The mixture ratio is 0.47:1:1.342:3.129
Material consumption per cubic meter: water: 193-190kg, cement: 442-388kg, sand: 554-599kg, stone: 1234-1243kg
Water: 175KG, cement: 461kg, sand: 512kg, stone: 1252kg
The mixture ratio was 0.38:1:1.11:2.72
I hope the above answers will help you ~!