1. The mix proportion of a reinforced concrete is as follows: P.O 42.5 cement, the surplus coefficient is 1.14, and the density is 3.0 × 103kg / m3; Fly ash is secondary ash (excess coefficient is 1.5), density is 2.2 × 103kg / m3; medium sand, fineness modulus is 2.5, bulk density is 1.4 × 103kg / m3, apparent density is 2.6 × 103kg / m3; (5-31.5) mm graded crushed stone, bulk density is 1.5 × 103kg / m3, apparent density is 2.6 × 103kg / m3; high range water reducing agent (the content is 1.3% of the total amount of cementitious material, the apparent density is 2.6 × 103kg / m3) is added, The design requirements are as follows: the strength grade is C35, the slump is (100 ± 10) mm, and the substitution rate of admixture is 15%. It is known that: (1) the sand rate is 33% when the slump is 60mm; (2) the water consumption is as follows: as shown in the figure below. The cement content in the concrete mixed with fly ash is () kg / m3 When the slump is (70-90) mm, the water consumption is 205KG / m3

1. The mix proportion of a reinforced concrete is as follows: P.O 42.5 cement, the surplus coefficient is 1.14, and the density is 3.0 × 103kg / m3; Fly ash is secondary ash (excess coefficient is 1.5), density is 2.2 × 103kg / m3; medium sand, fineness modulus is 2.5, bulk density is 1.4 × 103kg / m3, apparent density is 2.6 × 103kg / m3; (5-31.5) mm graded crushed stone, bulk density is 1.5 × 103kg / m3, apparent density is 2.6 × 103kg / m3; high range water reducing agent (the content is 1.3% of the total amount of cementitious material, the apparent density is 2.6 × 103kg / m3) is added, The design requirements are as follows: the strength grade is C35, the slump is (100 ± 10) mm, and the substitution rate of admixture is 15%. It is known that: (1) the sand rate is 33% when the slump is 60mm; (2) the water consumption is as follows: as shown in the figure below. The cement content in the concrete mixed with fly ash is () kg / m3 When the slump is (70-90) mm, the water consumption is 205KG / m3

Water consumption is 205 + 5 = 210

The mix proportion of impermeable concrete is as follows: P.O 42.5 cement, surplus coefficient is 1.14, density is 3.0 × 103kg / m3;
Fly ash is secondary ash (excess coefficient is 1.5), density is 2.2 × 103kg / m3; medium sand, fineness modulus is 2.5, bulk density is 1.4 × 103kg / m3, apparent density is 2.6 × 103kg / m3; (5-31.5) mm graded gravel, bulk density is 1.5 × 103kg / m3, apparent density is 2.6 × 103kg / m3; high range water reducing agent (0.8% of the total amount of cementitious material, water reduction rate is 15%,), The design requirements are as follows: the strength grade is c30p8, the slump is (140 ± 10) mm, and the substitution rate of admixture is 10%. It is known that: (1) the sand rate is 36% when the slump is 60mm; (2) the water consumption is as follows: as shown in the figure below. The amount of sand in the concrete mixed with fly ash is () kg / m3
When the slump is (70-90) mm, the water consumption is 215kg / m3

If the density is given, the volume method will be used. It's troublesome. You'd better calculate it yourself!
According to the formula given in the specification, it can be applied
Also has is the sand rate according to 36% increases the ratio also according to the standard to be possible
To meet the minimum cement consumption and maximum water cement ratio of impermeable concrete, there is no problem

The construction team compounded a kind of concrete with cement, yellow sand and stone in the ratio of 2:3:5. It is known that the cement is 7.2 tons less than stone. So, how many tons of materials are needed to prepare this kind of concrete?

7.2 ÷ (5-2), = 7.2 ÷ 3, = 2.4 (T); cement: 2.4 × 2 = 4.8 (T); yellow sand: 2.4 × 3 = 7.2 (T); stone: 2.4 × 5 = 12 (T); 4.8 + 7.2 + 12 = 24 (T); a: a total of 24 tons of materials are required to prepare this kind of concrete