How many jin of hydrated lime can a cubic meter of quicklime produce? Or how much hydrated lime can be produced

How many jin of hydrated lime can a cubic meter of quicklime produce? Or how much hydrated lime can be produced

The reaction formula is: Cao + H2O = = > Ca (HO) 2, the molecular weight of Cao is 56, the molecular weight of Ca (HO) 2 is 74, so one unit (cubic) of Cao added with water can produce 74 / (56 * 1) units of Ca (HO) 2

How much hydrated lime can a cubic meter of quicklime be powdered into

Quicklime: Cao hydrated lime: Ca (OH) 2 reaction formula: Cao + H2O = = Ca (OH) 21:1:1 molar mass: 56 18 74, that is, 56 parts of quicklime can produce 74 parts of quicklime by adding water, that is, 74 / 56 grams can be produced by 1 gram of quicklime, depending on how much one cubic meter of quicklime is, the density of quicklime is generally 3.3g/c

Does notoginseng lime soil use hydrated lime or quicklime? How many tons of hydrated lime per cubic meter?
Is the volume ratio or mass ratio of notoginseng lime soil, quicklime or hydrated lime? In addition, how many tons of each cubic meter of hydrated lime and hydrated lime?
The weight of 1 cubic meter of quicklime and hydrated lime is always in the range of 1.1.4 tons or 3.3.4 tons,

About 1.2 tons