How to calculate dry density with known dry soil weight and wet soil weight moisture content

How to calculate dry density with known dry soil weight and wet soil weight moisture content

This is simple. First, take the wet soil you want to test and weigh it. Then pour in alcohol to ignite it. Dry the wet soil and then weigh it. Subtract / dry weight × 100 from the two weighings. This is the formula of moisture content. Then calculate the wet density of the soil. The formula g / cm3 G is the density of the soil. Then divide it by (1 + W), where W is the moisture content. For example, by calculating the moisture content of the soil is 8%, then divide it by (1 + 0.08)

What is the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of various soils?
What are the optimal maximum dry density and moisture content of various soils?

The same soil has different maximum dry density and optimum moisture content, which must be determined by standard experiment

What is the "air dry density" of wood?

Air dry density: the weight and volume of wood in a certain atmospheric state to achieve equilibrium moisture content
Ratio. In grams per cubic centimeter
High air dry density indicates that the wood is heavy, hard and strong. So it is a strength index
The air dry density of wood is generally required to be above 0.6