Is quicklime powder or hydrated lime powder used in Notoginseng lime soil? If it is quicklime powder, will the volume not expand after solidification?

Is quicklime powder or hydrated lime powder used in Notoginseng lime soil? If it is quicklime powder, will the volume not expand after solidification?

1. The process of quick lime to mature lime is as follows
The volume increases 1-3 times, the apparent density is 1.1.4t/m3, and 630kg quicklime is needed per cubic meter
Then it is calculated that 1m3 quicklime will produce 2.06m3
2. Quicklime is used in lime soil

How many cubic meters of hydrated lime can be produced by one ton of quicklime
I hope you can reply as soon as possible,

The process of quick lime to mature lime is as follows
The volume increases 1 ~ 3 times, the apparent density is 1.3 ~ 1.4t/m3, and 630kg quicklime is needed per cubic meter
Then it is calculated that 1m3 quicklime will produce 2.06m3

What is the density of quicklime? What is the density of hydrated lime? How much hydrated lime can be digested by 1t quicklime?

Quicklime is calcium oxide, the density of calcium oxide has no fixed value, about 3.25g/c &; to 3.38g/c &;, generally take 3.3g/c &;; quicklime is calcium hydroxide, also has no fixed value, about 2.24g/c &;!