The conversion of flow and pressure It is known that the signal pressure of a section of pipeline flow is 10KPA and the flow is 1000m3 / h. If the flow scale is 400m3 / h and 800m3 / h, what is the signal pressure? It's better to list the formula,

The conversion of flow and pressure It is known that the signal pressure of a section of pipeline flow is 10KPA and the flow is 1000m3 / h. If the flow scale is 400m3 / h and 800m3 / h, what is the signal pressure? It's better to list the formula,

From q = k √ (Δ P), we can get k = q / √ (Δ P), square K ^ 2 = q ^ 2 / (Δ P) = 1000 ^ 2 / 10 = 10 ^ 5,
When Q1 = 400m3 / h, the signal pressure Δ P1 = Q1 ^ 2 / K ^ 2 = 400 ^ 2 / 10 ^ 5 = 1.6kpa
When Q1 = 800m3 / h, the signal pressure Δ P2 = Q2 ^ 2 / K ^ 2 = 800 ^ 2 / 10 ^ 5 = 6.4kpa

Conversion of flow and pressure?
If I know the flow rate of the pump, how can I calculate the pressure? For example, I know that the flow rate of the pump is 12 L / min and the head is 3 m. what is the pressure
Does pressure have nothing to do with flow? And if I want 6kg force, do I need a pump with a lift of 60m? It doesn't seem to fit

The head is represented by H (unit: m). The pump pressure is represented by P (unit: PA). ρ is the liquid density
H = P / ρ, i.e. P = h * ρ * g = 3 * 1000 * 10 = 30000pa

Conversion between pressure and flow

There is no "calculation formula of pressure and velocity". There are some similar calculation formulas in fluid mechanics, which are attached with many harsh conditions, and the scope of application is very small. 1. The relationship between pressure and velocity is not proportional. With the pressure difference, pipe diameter, cross-section shape, whether there is a bend, the roughness of pipe wall, whether there is equal diameter / viscosity property of fluid 2. If you want to ensure the flow rate, it is recommended that you install a flowmeter and a regulating valve. You can also consider constant volume delivery. To make the fluid flow, there must be a pressure difference (Note: not pressure!), but it is not that the greater the pressure difference, the greater the flow rate. When you close the regulating valve, you will find that the pressure difference before and after the valve is greater, The hydraulic calculation of pipeline includes long pipe hydraulic calculation and short pipe hydraulic calculation. The difference is that the latter ignores the local head loss and only considers the head loss along the way. (the head loss can be understood as the friction of the relative movement of solids). Taking the free flow of long pipe as an example, the calculation formula is h = (V ^ 2 * l) / (C ^ 2 * r), where h is the head, which can be converted by pressure, L is the length of the pipe, V is the flow velocity of the pipe, R is the hydraulic radius, r = the cross-sectional area of the pipe / the circumference of the inner wall = R / 2, C is the Xie Cai coefficient, C = R ^ (1 / 6) / N, n is the roughness, and its size depends on the smoothness of the pipe wall. The range from smooth pipe to dirty pipe is 0.011 to 0.014