How to convert AC-25 cubic meters and tons of coarse grained asphalt concrete?

How to convert AC-25 cubic meters and tons of coarse grained asphalt concrete?

Accurate calculation should be based on the density of Marshall specimen in the laboratory. Generally, when the density of aggregate is large, the density of mixture specimen is also large, and the mass per cubic meter will be large
However, China's "highway engineering budget quota" gives the standard density of coarse-grained type, in order to calculate the amount of coarse-grained materials in the quota, as well as the conversion of volume and weight. According to the "quota", the standard density of fine-grained type is 2.365 g / cm, that is to say, a cubic meter of fine-grained asphalt concrete is about 2.365 tons

Do you know how to convert density and unit price per kilogram into unit price per square meter

Unit price per square meter (yuan / m2) = 10 decimeters × 10 decimeters × thickness (decimeters) × density (kg / cubic decimeters) × unit price per kilogram (yuan / kg)
Assuming that the thickness is 1 cm = 0.1 decimeter, the density is 2.5 kg / cubic decimeter, and the unit price is 4 yuan / kg, then the price of such PVC board per square meter is 10 × 10 × 0.1 × 2.5 × 4 = 100 yuan

What does asphalt concrete AC-16 mean

Ah heavy traffic road petroleum asphalt (heavy traffic road petroleum)
AC asphalt concrete mixture
Am asphalt macadam mixture
AK anti sliding surface asphalt mixture
MS Marshall stability
Flow value of FL Marshall experiment
Void ratio in VV asphalt mixture
Void ratio of mineral aggregate in VMA asphalt mixture
16 is 1.6cm
Generally used in the surface of municipal roads or middle, less use. AC - 13 but more