How many tons is one cubic meter of sand

How many tons is one cubic meter of sand

See the table below for details. The value in the table is kn / m3,
One ton is equal to 10kN,
So for example, if the sand is very wet, it is 20KN / m3, which is 2 tons,
I think you'll forget the rest, right?

A classmate used a glass, water and balance to measure the density of a stone. He filled the glass with water and weighed the total mass of the stone to be 200g. After putting in the stone and spilling part of the water, he weighed the total mass to be 215g. Taking the stone out of the glass, he weighed the mass of the water and the glass to be 190g and calculated the density of the stone. (ρ water = 1 × 103kg / m3)

(1) Mass of overflow water: m row = M1-M3 = 200g-190g = 10g, (2) volume of stone: v = V row = m row ρ water = 10g1g / cm3 = 10cm3, (3) mass of stone: M = M2-M3 = 215g-190g = 25g, (4) density of stone: ρ stone = MV = 25g10cm3 = 2.5g/cm3 = 2.5 × 103 & nbsp; kg / m3

Use a glass, water and balance to measure the stone density. The experimental record is as follows: the total mass of the glass filled with water is M1 = 200g, the total mass of the glass, water and stone is M2 = 215g after putting in the stone, and the total mass of the glass and water is M3 = 190g after taking out the stone. Calculate the stone density
1.6k/cm3, right

It should be 1.5 * 10 ^ 3 kg / m ^ 3
The quality of the stone is m = 15g = 15 * 10 ^ - 3kg
Volume is the volume of overflow water, that is, v = m water / P water = (200-190) * 10 ^ - 3 / 1.0 * 10 ^ 3 = 10 * 10 ^ - 6 m ^ 3
So the density of stone P = m / v = 15 * 10 ^ - 3 / 10 * 10-6 = 1.5 * 10 ^ 3 kg / m ^ 3
The conversion to cm ^ 3 is 1.5g/cm ^ 3