How many tons is 230 liters of diesel equivalent to

How many tons is 230 liters of diesel equivalent to

How many liters is a ton of diesel oil equal to? How many catties is a liter of diesel oil equal to? Generally, the density range of national standard diesel oil is 0.810 ~ 0.855, and the density of different models is different, such as: 0 # diesel oil 0.84 density, + 10 # diesel oil 0.85 density, + 20 # diesel oil 0.87 density, - 10 # diesel oil 0.84 density, - 20 # diesel oil 0.83 density, - 30 # diesel oil 0.82 density, - 3

How many standard cubic meters is a ton of hydrogen equal to?

Under the standard condition, the molar volume of the gas is 22.4 L / mol, and hydrogen is no exception. The mass of the gas = molar mass of the gas × gas volume (L) / 22.4 L / mol. the molar mass of hydrogen is 1 × 1000000 g / mol, and the gas volume is 1000000 / 2 × 22.4 = 1120000 L = 11200 cubic meters
The second algorithm
Under standard conditions, hydrogen density: 0.0899 kg / m3, so 1 ton of hydrogen is equal to 1000 kg
Its volume is 1000 / 0.0899 = 11123.5 cubic meters

How many liters is a cubic meter of hydrogen
How many liters is a cubic meter of hydrogen in standard state

1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeters = 1000 liters = 1000000 cubic centimeters = 1000000 ml
Liter is the same as cubic decimeter, milliliter is the same as cubic centimeter