Will (2-3x) + (3x-2) square = 0 be factorized

Will (2-3x) + (3x-2) square = 0 be factorized

(2-3x) + (3x-2) square = 0 (3x-2) [- 1 + (3x-2)] = 0 (3x-2) (3x-3) = 0 x = 2 / 3 or x = 1

How to solve this one variable quadratic inequality
Please write down the origin of the steps, how to get the next step, why to get the next step,


How to solve the problem that the square of x plus 2x minus 3 is greater than or equal to 0

It can be factorized first
X ≤ - 3 or X ≥ 1

The solution of equation x squared minus (3 / 2) x plus 1 / 2 greater than zero?

X squared minus (3 / 2) x plus 1 / 2 is greater than zero
2x^2 - 3x + 1 > 0
(2x - 1)(x - 1)> 0
X > 1 or x < 0.5