X squared - 5x = 17

X squared - 5x = 17

X = (5 + (-) root 93) / 2

1234567654321 × (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1) =)

Square of 777
1234567654321 is the square of 1111111
The last one is 49, which is the square of 7
So it's 777 square

1 square - 2 square + 3 square - 4 square + 5 square - 6 square + 7 square. - 100 square + 101 square

In high school
1^2-2^2+3^2-4^2+5^2-6^2+7^2-…… -100^2+101^2
=1+(3^2-2^2)+(5^2-4^2)+(7^2-6^2)+…… +(101^2-100^2)
=1+5+9+…… 201 (expanded by square difference formula)
=(1 + 201) * 51 / 2
In junior high school
1^2-2^2+3^2-4^2+5^2-6^2+7^2-…… -100^2+101^2
=1+(3^2-2^2)+(5^2-4^2)+(7^2-6^2)+…… +(101^2-100^2)
=1+5+9+…… 201 (expanded by square difference formula)
=(1+201)+(5+197)+(9+193)+…… +(97+105)+101
=202+202+202+…… +202+101

Simple calculation of 4.06 × 55 × 27


43 × 27 + 73 + 43 =? What should we do with a simple algorithm

It's 43 × 27 + 73 × 43

A simple algorithm of 73 times 162 minus 61 times 73 minus 73


In the dream of Red Mansions, how many times did grandma Liu enter the Grand View Garden

According to the author's original idea, Granny Liu will enter Jia's house three times, witnessing the changes of Jia's family. When Granny Liu entered Jia's house, she didn't have a grand view garden. I don't know if the owner of the building located this detail. This happened in the sixth chapter: Jia Baoyu's first test of cloud and rain, Granny Liu's first visit to Rongguo's house

Couplet of dream of Red Mansions
All things are learned ()
True and false when pretending to be true ()
Hate in spring and sorrow in autumn ()

All things are learned; all human feelings are articles -- Qin Keqing's boudoir Zhonglian
If you pretend to be true, it's true as well as false; if there's a place for inaction, there's still nothing
Hate in spring and sorrow in autumn

The meaning of the names of dream of Red Mansions Grand View Garden
For example, Baochai's house is called hengwu garden, which means no chance to hate. What do Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Daoxiang village, Yihong courtyard and so on mean? Please give us some advice. I'm very grateful!

Although there are a lot of double or multiple meanings of homophony in the dream of Red Mansions, it can not be fully understood from the homophony, which will make the connotation not rich enough. For example, the name of Xiaoxiang pavilion has multiple meanings. The bamboo shadow is dancing in Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and the meaning of bamboo is noble and ethereal, which is in line with Daiyu's character and destiny

A dream of Red Mansions: the significance of various buildings in the Grand View Garden and their ranking
It's better to write out the appearance, location and implication of the building and rank it
Thank you