The equation is solved by collocation method: 2x2 + x-4 = 0

The equation is solved by collocation method: 2x2 + x-4 = 0

From the original equation, X2 + 12x = 2, formula, X2 + 12x + 14 = 2 + 14, then (x + 12) 2 = 94, square root, x + 12 = ± 32, solution, X1 = 1, X2 = - 2

The original plan was to process 30 parts per day. When 1 / 3 of the parts were processed, the work efficiency increased by 10% due to improved technology. As a result, the task was completed four days ahead of schedule?

1-13 = 23, 23 ^ (1 + 10%) = 2033, 4 ^ (23 − 2033) = 66 (days), 66 × 30 = 1980 (pieces); answer: this batch of parts has a total of 1980

The first spare parts workshop processes a batch of parts. If it processes 30 parts per hour, it can be completed 10 hours ahead of the original plan. If it processes 20 parts per hour, it can be completed 6 hours ahead of the original plan. How many parts are there?

10-6 = 4 hours
30 × 4 = 120
30-20 = 10
120 △ 10 = 12 hours
20 × 12 = 240
A: there are 240 parts in this batch

A workshop needs to process a batch of parts. If it processes 28 parts per hour, it can be completed 10 hours ahead of the original plan. If it processes 20 parts per hour, it can be completed 6 hours ahead of the original plan. How many parts are there?

Suppose that the original schedule is x hours, 28 × (X-10) = 20 × (X-6) & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 28x-280 = 20x-120 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 28x-20x = 280-120 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 8x = 160 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; If x = 20, this batch of parts is: 28 × (20-10) = 280 (pieces), or: 20 × (20-6) = 280 (pieces). Answer: there are 280 parts in this batch

A workshop needs to process a batch of parts. If it processes 28 parts per hour, it can be completed 10 hours ahead of the original plan. If a workshop needs to process?
Formula, analysis of more points!

If you process 28 parts per hour, you can finish them 10 hours ahead of schedule. If you process 20 parts per hour, you can finish them 6 hours ahead of schedule. How many parts are there in this batch? (1) suppose that it is expected to finish in X hours. 28 (X-10) = 20 (X-6), then x = 20, so 28 * 10 or 20 * 14 is OK

When a workshop processes a batch of parts, if it processes 40 parts per hour, it can finish it one hour earlier than the original plan. If it processes 30 parts per hour, it will be two hours later than the original plan. How long does the original plan take to complete the task?

Set the original plan to complete the task in X hours
The original plan was to finish the task in 10 hours

The machinery factory processes a batch of parts. The original plan is to process 180 parts per hour. In fact, it processes 20 more parts per hour than the original plan. As a result, it is completed 5 hours ahead of schedule______ One

The original plan, the original plan, the completion of the work, the purpose of the work: (180 + 20) x (X-5) = 180X, (180 + 20) x (x-5-5) = 180X, and the meaning of: (180 + 20) (180 + 20) (x-5-5) = 180X, and how to get: (180 + 20) x (x-5-5) = 180X, 180X, and how to get: (180 + 20) x (x-5-5) (x-5-5) = 180X, and 180X, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & sp; &There are 180 × 50 = 9000 parts in this batch. A: there are 9000 parts in this batch. So the answer is: 9000

If a worker produces 5 more parts per day, he will produce 15 more parts per day in 26 days. How many parts does the worker originally plan to produce per day? If the original plan is to produce X pieces per day, the equation can be expressed as follows______ .

The original planned production is 30x, and the actual production is (30x + 15). The equation is: 30x + 15x + 5 = 26

A lathe worker plans to process 408 parts in 15 days, 24 parts per day in the first three days. After that, how many parts does the lathe worker process per day on average to complete the task within the specified time?

Let's set an average of at least x parts per day to complete the task within the specified time. According to the meaning of the question, we can get a solution of 3 × 24 + 12x ≥ 408, X ≥ 28. Answer: an average of at least 28 parts per day to complete the task within the specified time

2100 parts were originally planned to be finished in 30 days. In fact, 5 more parts were produced every day than planned. How many days can we finish the task?

2100 / (2100 / 30 + 5) = 28 days
So the actual 28 days can complete the task