The square of 1 = (1 * 2 * 3) / 6; the square of 1 + 2 = (2 * 3 * 5) / 6; the square of 1 + 2 + 3 = (3 * 4 * 7) / 6 Can you express the law with a formula According to your rule, calculate the square of 1 + the square of 2... + the square of 8

The square of 1 = (1 * 2 * 3) / 6; the square of 1 + 2 = (2 * 3 * 5) / 6; the square of 1 + 2 + 3 = (3 * 4 * 7) / 6 Can you express the law with a formula According to your rule, calculate the square of 1 + the square of 2... + the square of 8

Square of 1 + square of 2... + square of 8 = 8 × 9 × 17 △ 6 = 204

(6 / 1 of the square of x) - 1 = 3 / 1 of X

(6 / 1 of the square of x) - 1 = 3 / 1 of X
The results are as follows
X1 = = 1
Or x2 = - 4
So the solution of the equation is:

When x > 3, simplify [square of (X-2) under root] + [square of (1-x) under root]

[square of (X-2) under root] + [square of (1-x) under root]
=|x-2| + |1-x|
=x-2 - (1-x)

What is 41 ° 56 '△ 3?

The degree part of 41 ° 56 '△ 3 is 13 degrees
Part of the score = (2 * 60 + 56) / 3 = 58.67 ', i.e. 58
Second part = 2 / 3 * 60 = 40

Put 41 × 3 + 56 △ 4 equal to 137 in words
Put 41 × 3 + 56 △ 4 equal to 137 in words

The sum of the product of 41 times 3 and the quotient of 56 divided by 4 is 137
If my answer is right,

The average of the four numbers is 93. If one of them is changed to 89, the average of the four numbers will become 91. What was the original number changed?
Ask for your advice

The average number is reduced by 2, proving that the sum of 4 numbers is reduced by 8, then 89 + 8 is equal to 97!

Why is the average number of parts processed by these 10 workers lower than the median

Because the average is affected by the larger or smaller data in a set of data, and the median is not affected by the larger or smaller data in the data
The number of parts processed by some of the 10 workers is small, which affects the average of this group of data

The average number of parts produced by a person in the first seven days is 30, and the number of parts produced in the eighth day is 3.5 more than the average number of these eight days. How many parts does the person produce in the eighth day

Let the eighth day of production be X

2790 parts were processed, and 434 parts were processed in the first seven days. According to this calculation, how many days can the task be completed? (solve by proportion)

Set: X days to complete the task, 434:7 = 2790: X, & nbsp; 434x = 2790 × 7, & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 45; answer: 45 days to complete the task

There are five numbers, the average of which is 92. The average of the first three numbers is 93, and the average of the last three numbers is 89. Do you know what the middle number is?

(93 × 3 + 89 × 3) - 92 × 5, = (279 + 267) - 460, = 546-460, = 86